Hello all!
Mom guessed squid ink... I am impressed. I didn't think anyone would guess that.
Gong xi gong xi!
Today is a weird day. It is a regular working day today, not a preparation day,
but we are doing our e-mail today because tomorrow is the mission Christmas
activity. All they have told us is to bring our athletic clothes. So we will see
what they have in mind for us. Should be lots of fun. It has been hot hot hot
here, so not really feeling like a "White" Christmas- I miss the snow. So anyone
that has snow enjoy it for me.
Let's see... not a whole lot happened this week. Mainly a quiet week. We have a
few "wild" investigators right now, so that is making for some entertaining
lessons. They are keeping us on our toes. Two of them have their baptismal
interviews this week, so that is so good! Maybe they will calm down a it. They
both have huge testimonies, but are just a little high energy.
We went to a elementary school track meet the other day at lunch. It was really
fun to watch them. They were doing relays. We saw a lot of little kids fall down
handing off the baton and what not. They are pretty cute littles boogers. Guess
what else they had there? They had corn dogs and cotton candy! It was so good.
It was one of the better lunches in awhile.
Although yesterdays might be the best yet. We had baked potatoes with cheese (no
one ever has cheese here), bacon, and brocoli. They were pretty good- I actually
got two they were so good.
We had a good week at churcht this week. One of the families from my English
class came to church. So that was exciting. I had invited them last Wednesday,
but that hadn't commited so I kinda didn't think much of it. So to see them walk
into church was an amazing feeling. I ended up going to Primary with the kids so
the mom could go to Relief Society. It was fun to be in primary again. It has
been a long time, so I kinda forgot what it was like. Rain and Jessie thought it
was fun and made their mom promise she would bring them back next week. So I
would be so excited to see them get baptized!
Well, time to get back out to work. I know this church is true. I am thankful
for this opportunity I have to be a missionary and to be able to share this
wonderful message with the people of Taiwan.
Wo ai nimen!
I love you!
Sister Shaver
p.s. you all are going to be hearing my voice before you know it- bright and
early even. What better way for me to "annoy" you all. Hopefully the little
girls will go back to bed for awhile before they make you open all their
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
December 18th Letter
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
December 11th Letter
Hello family!
I am in love with Taiwan. It is official. We had interviews this last week with
our Mission President... and he was asking me how I felt everything was going
and what I was learning. I told him the normal answers and then he asked me
about the country of Taiwan... and I realized I love it here! I love the people.
I love my investigators... I cry and laugh with them. I have high highs and low
lows with them. When they tell me they want to get baptized I rejoice... when
they say they don't know and think they just need a break I weep... But I love
it here. I am even more in love with it then I was with China! Just wanted to
express that love quickly.
Last night, one of our members took us out to eat. And you'll never believe what
we ate... it seemed way weird to me, but maybe it is normal in fancy
restaurants. We ate black spaghetti with a black spaghetti sauce... so now my
question is... what do you think made it black? It dies your mouth black
You'll have to let me know if anyone guessed right. Indeed, it was made black
because it was squid/octopus ink. Yummy... it actually didn't taste like much.
The member was hilarious! She told us that now we would be safe as we went out
contacting at night because we can just spit on the men and it would take care
of any problems. (Mom, we are safe anyways, so don't worry.) We are so watched
over and protected here. I feel the Spirit leading me on a daily basis.
It is amazing how the Lord protects us. It is amazing how many times I have been
riding my bike and heard my companion call my name from behind me and I have
stopped right as a car pulls out in front of me. And probably would have hit me
had I not stopped. And my companion never even called my name. There are so many
little huge miracles/ tender mercies like that everyday.
All the pictures were fun. Morgan is cute. Carrie looks so happy. I need to get
a Birthday present for her... I kinda forgot. This last while has been crazy
busy and time HAS FLOWN! Meg's hair is so cute. That short little straight
haired kid... what happened to the curly hair? Mom looks good in the pictures.
The Bennions look so big. How are the twins... crazy?
Well, before I forget. Christmas is coming quickly... ahh! and that means a
phone call home. My set time is Christmas morning for you... I have two options.
I can call at dinner which is 5:00 pm here or at night when we get home which
probably would be about 9:00-9:30 pm. Which one is better for you. I can't do
math or think anymore if it is not related to missionary work, so I have no idea
what time that is for you. Sorry... so maybe let me know which one is better...
and then as well what house number to call. P.S. I would only prefer for family
to be there... brother in laws are included in that, but I think anything else
would be too much. I just want to talk to my family.
Mom and dad, wow, I am impressed with your new ward. I got a Christmas card from
the Roberts Family. They have four kids- two girls and two boys. I think one of
the boys has down syndrome. He is about ten. Their card was so fun to see. They
seemed like a nice family- just bought a boat and doing lots of wakeboarding.
Have you met them? When you see them at church, could you please tell them thank
you and that I really appreciated that they thought of me? And it is nice to put
faces with the members of the ward watching over my family. P.S. I am planning
on getting a Christmas card from everyone else too.. And another P.S. Sister
Bonner, the senior couple sister, has informed me I get the most mail out of the
missionaries she thinks. She is the one who goes through it and forwards it. So
I just would like to say thank you! I am glad I have such amazing friends and
family who support me so well. I will never complain again!
So my goal of my life... I have set a goal to never say anything negative again
and boy, is this goal stretching me. It is amazing what it has done thus far. I
feel better about everything and just feel good. I am hoping I can keep it up.
My companion is really testing me in this area. But it is good because if I can
establich this habit now I am sure it will last a lifetime and what better than
a positive Sister Shaver for life!
Wow, my English is bad. No laughing when I call home... I just went through and
re read my e-mail I think I caught most of the errors, but wow, glad I am not an
English major.
This e-mail has been everywhere and anywhere so I guess what better way to end
it then to bear my testimony and share some Holiday thoughts!
I am so thankful to be on a mission at this time of year. I am thankful that I
can be serving the Lord and truly focusing on Him this Christmas season. I,
honestly, don't think there could be a better place to be then on the streets
sharing the Gospel with others and inviting them to come unto Christ and learn
of Him on Christmas day. (The only thing I can think might match or even surpass
it would be if my family was standing on those corners with me. Can you imagine
them speaking Chinese... oh funny.) But I know that Jesus is indeed our Savior
and our Lord. He went below everything to raise us above anything. I have felt
this on my mission. Elder Holland gave an amazing talk on the Atonement in the
MTC. He related to us that missionary work is not easy because salvation never
was and never will be easy. He said salvation is not a cheap experience. I am
truly humbled to think I have complained and wanted to give up when Jesus our
Savior went through so much more so I wouldn't give up and so I would have a
hope. Elder Holland told us to stop and think when we ask the questions- why
aren't people flocking to the font? why is it so hard? why don't they
understand? He told us to think about the question someone a lot greater than us
asked. The question Jesus asked the Father. Jesus asked for the cup to be
removed, but He submitted to the Father's will first. I know that Jesus Christ
has given us a hope and possibility to become clean and to overcome! We can see
the victory, we can return to the Father's presence, we can become disciples of
Christ, we can endure to the end. I have truly learned the Atonement is not only
for some. It is not only for those who have made big mistakes and have sinned.
It is for all of us. All of us need to rely on the Atonement and everyday learn
from it. The Chinese language has some many words that I love. Repentance in
Chinese is hui gai. And the character for it has the characters of everyday
change heart. I know that would we see increased power and capability in our
lives if we did just that- everyday changed our heart. So my invitation to you
this beautiful Wednesday morning is--- everday this coming week to read one
scripture on the Atonement and change one thing of your heart everyday. I
remember I went to Sunday School with Liz in her new ward in Boise. They were
talking about something. I can't even remember and Liz shared a comment about
how everday we need to become better and some boy from BYU raised his hand and
completely contradicted what Liz said. I remember at the time thinking what is
this boy talking about and for some reason that has stuck with me. I think Liz
hit it right on the head. Everyday we need to become better. I think to often we
think I can wait till Sunday to change or that doesn't really need to change.
But indeed today it does! So I pray that everyone will take the invitation to
study the Atonement and change one thing everday. Maybe you can write me and let
me know how it goes. That will be my follow up for you cause a commitment
without a follow up is like buying a ticket to a concert and never going...
Well, I love you all and I know this church is true. I pray for each of you
daily and know Heavenly Father is watching over you. Be safe!
Sister Shaver.
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
December 5th Letter
Hello all!
Wow, yesterday was zone conference and yes, it was amazing!
The morning session was focused on the Atonement and what it means in our lives.
It really was a thought provoking experience. And helped me only begin to
understand the importance of the Atonement.
Each of missionary is to write a three to five minute talk that we could be
called on to give at some point during conference. As I sat and wrote the talk,
the underlying theme that kept coming back to me was the process of change
through the power of Atonement. (p.s. Everyone should read Pres Faust's article
in the November Ensign. I think that is a precious treasure.)
This has really been the most important thing I have been learning on my mission
up to this date. I have learned that we all have weaknesses and need to change.
I have learned the importance of changing and of becoming a better person. A
person who is loved by others and loves others. A person who makes other people
want to do better not through harsh words, but rather through their quiet
example and loving kindness. I have learned the power of Charity in change. I
think all of us know of one almost perfect example in this area. It would be
I can never remember a time when mom said a harsh, mean word to me. But I can
think of millions of lessons she has taught me. I was trying to think of...
1.how it was that she taught me these experiences, 2. how it was that I had
learned so much from her, 3. why it was that now as I am on my mission and am
trying to encourage my companions to get out of bed or to leave the house or
talk to that person that I think hmm, what would mom do to get me up, get me
going, get me talking, and then I try to do just that.
My first and second move call I relied too much on saying not so kind things and
trying to motivate out of guilt. That lead to nothing, but misery and
resentment. These last 2 move calls, I have focused more on not saying anything,
but doing those things myself and making it fun. Thinking of the silly things
mom does and trying them myself and guess what? this has lead to change, love,
and happiness!
I am thankful I have began to understand this process of change and love.
Because well, this move call is an interesting one. The city is different and
quite honestly not my favorite just yet. The people are very rushed and not so
willing to listen. My Chinese is in no way good, but it is better than my senior
companions so that leads to interesting moments. And we have had a few trials
and challenges.
For example, we have a woman who was to get baptized this week. I went over
there my first day here in Beitun. We sat down and she poured us a drink. My
senior companion started to gulp it right down. Something inside me said not to
drink it and ask what it was. I quietly asked my companion and she said it was
fine just drink it. I went to drink it and had the impression again don't drink
it ask the lady. Well, now this is a tricky position, I just asked my companion
and she said to drink it so how do I ask without stepping on her toes... I
decided ahh, just drink it. And right then as I opened my mouth to drink it the
words came out "zhege yinliao shi shenme dongxi? What is this drink?" The lady
shrugged and said, "red tea and green tea mixed with some milk tea!" I said, "I
am sorry we can't drink this." And she said, "but the last missionaries have
been drinking it." I tried to explain to her about the Word of Wisdom and why it
was that we didn't drink tea. She turned and asked my companion, "you have been
drinking it for the lst two months. Has it done anything to you?" My companion
wasn't sure what to say. We ended up resolving the concern. And the lady has to
get another baptismal interview, but is set to get baptized this coming week.
So in other words the work is hard, but it is so worth it. Moroni 7:33 is my
saving scripture.
I love my mission. I love this opportunity to serve. I love the Lord. I love my
family. I know this church is true. I know that Jesus is our Savior and
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Thank you for the e-mails and letters.
Monday, November 26, 2007
November 26 Letter--New Place. New Companion.
Hello family!
Well, I am really excited and nervous right now. I am in the city. Right by the
mission home for Christmas. We cover two areas Beitun and Tanzi ---there is a
shortage of sisters right now. My companion is really nice and seems like it
should be interesting. She is a big hunter and outdoors person. She was telling
me all about her hunter's safety class she took. She is from Monroe, Utah. Her
name is Sister Moore. I am pretty excited to see how this move call goes. I was
really praying for a companion that was going to push me or could handle my
pushing. I guess I am an intense companion. Who would've guessed that a Shaver
was intense... and had no patience. Sister Moore doesn't seem to be either of
the two so it should be a huge growing experience for me. She has struggled with
wanting to work and other things, but I think this will give us an opportunity
to soar together. I think it will give me an opportunity to love her into
wanting to work and will help me develop more charity.
I have learned that change is essential and so hard.
Satan wants us to think that we cannot change and that it is too hard. I am so
thankful for the Atonement. I am so thankful that Heavenly Father and Jesus
Christ know our weaknesses and are there ready waiting to help us overcome them.
I have only begun to learn the importance of the Atonement and applying it in
our lives. I am so excited for the changes I am making... I know I have much
more to go, but I love it. It was hard for me at first and I was a little too
prideful to hear that I needed to change this and this and this, but I am so
appreciative now. It makes life so much better. As I see the change in me I see
the change in my investigators and new members. I cried when I left Zhubei. I
have nine new members there and four investigators a week away from baptism. It
was so heart wrenching to me, but made me realize the importance of coming here
to the city and loving the people here! I know that this is where I am supposed
to be.
I am thankful I have been so blessed to see the Lord's hand so abundantly in my
life and especially the last little while. I have learned so much in the last
six months and pray I will continue to learn as much in the coming while. Time
is going too fast and makes me sick.
Well, I love you all and am so thankful for all of your examples. Thank you for
all of your support. I pray for you nightly and work hard for you daily.
I know the church is true. I know the Atonement is real. I know we can apply it
to our lives and become better everyday... don't settle for good or even
better--- reach for the best. I know no Shaver, Iverson, Sookhoo, Horne, Young,
etc would settle. So reach!
Wo zhende feichang ai nimen!
I really really love you all!
Sister Shaver
Friday, November 23, 2007
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
November 21 Letter--Lots of Time
Dear Family!
First things first, I need to thank everyone for their prayers. And especially
thank whoever has been praying extra hard for me these last few days. Monday
night, I was a mess and was convinced I needed to just go home. Which was
completely false and completely ridiculous, but I was so close and then all of
the sudden a peace came over me and I knew I was loved at home and that that
wasn't where I was supposed to be. I could feel someone's very prayer for me,
Sister Shaver, so I am eternally grateful for everyone and their prayers. Don't
stop! I felt so selfish and prayed the hardest I've ever prayed that night. So I
hope my prayers were felt in turn. I know that without a doubt Heavenly Father
hears and answers our prayers!
We had a nice day at the temple. No spotting of Elder Anderson. It seems to fast
for him to be going home next week. Wow! How the time flies. My trainer is
already home and my current companion goes home next move call. I don't like how
measured and set the time is. We watched a church movie on the way to the temple
called The Last Leaf. Has anyone seen it? It was so sad and a little depressing
at first. On the way home though, we watched Johnny Lingo and that made up for
it! Ha ha...
I got three packages all on the same day! Thank you Mom, Dad, and Laura. I don't
think I've ever been so excited for Triscuits! They seriously were so good, I
don't remember them being that good before. And the bookmarks and stickers are
so perfect. They are just the right size to put a sticker on the back and then
write my short little Chinese testimony. Thank you for the jacket, music,
scripture markers, and candy! I am nice and warm now. It is a good feeling. The
socks are really good in our apartment too. I, actually forgot to take them off
the other day when we left. Luckily, I didn't make it too far with them on. So
really thank you--- the packages were a huge happy joyful moment! Along with the
letter I got from the Salisbury's. It made me happy to hear from them. Kyle and
Ian are going to make such good little missionaries. I hope they get to come to
Taiwan too- it is only the best... Sorry, Sean.
Christmas... hmm... I am not sure exactly what I would like, but I would like to
give my companion Forgotten Carols. So that would be a good present. Probably a
few more button up shirts. I can hardly believe I've been wearing the same ones
for over six months. I've put on a little weight, but luckily, they still fit.
If there are any sweat like stretchy skirts that would be good too. Hmm... what
else. New clean garments(carinessa buttons especially and then any top besides
the silk ones- probably medium)... I think that probably would be more than
enough. I did like the triscuits a lot and the fiber one bars. (Just a sidenote
about enough- the chinese word for enough is gou which is pronounced like go so
to say enough or not enough you say go bu go. I think that is pretty cool.)
Wish everyone a happy happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. For English class tonight, we
are having a Thanksgiving party. It should be a lot of fun. Some of us are
dressing up as pilgrims(Americans) and some as Indians(Taiwanese). I could
hardly believe that we were actually doing it that way, but we are in Taiwan.
Things are different here in that way. We are going to do a skit and play
pioneer games. The Elders made a huge Turkey pinata so we are excited about that
too. It should be a good little Thanksgiving. No pumpkin pie or turkey though so
make sure to eat lots for me. YUM YUMMY IN MY TUMMY.
Meg, thanks for delivering the letter! And could you write me the lyrics to that
song. I would love that! It was so good, I just have no way to print out.
Speaking of print out.
Laura, thanks for sending hard copies of Amos. Everyone in Taiwan is going to be
very familiar with little Ao mo xi! They think he is the cutest most interesting
thing. They love the one of him in the car seat and Morgan next to him. They
think it is too cute (tai ke ai o!)
Kate, thanks for the letters and the e-mail(S)! I am not really sure the purpose
of Steve's insert in his letter. But I am not going to lie, it was a little bit
of a tender mercy. Steve, I don't know if you remember the girl screaming on
it, but my companion and I decided that is what we are going to look like when
we hit our hundredth baptism- he he.
That reminds me of a funny story. S Flake got hit by a car the other night. She
got hit hard and I was a little worried for her. By the time I got to her she
was standing up and getting back on her bent bike. She looked at the driver and
smiled and said oh xie xie ni. Which is like aww thank you! I think she was a
little bit in shock. I am just thankful that was her first response to thank the
driver. Her face kinda looked like the girls, however.
Liz, it sounds like you've gotten a few breaks having the girls spend the night
at grammies and grampies. That is so fun and so good. How's little Morgan? Is
she growing growing?
Mom, I am not sure why, maybe I haven't repented of it or forgiven myself really
for it. But remember that one time I tried to hug you at girl's camp and I ended
up knocking you down and hurt your back... I hope you can laugh and smile about
that now... and know I am sorry and love you more than life itself! p.s. Thank
you for teaching me so much in seminary and in life. I think my habit of
scripture study only blossomed because of when I was younger.You and the
"scripture dog" would sit in your rocker and read your scriptures. That made a
huge impression on me and I hope to have a "scripture dog" one day for my
children to look to as an example. Thank you for setting that example.
Dad, thank you for your letters. Whenever I am having one of those days, I can
place money that tonight there will be a letter from dad. I hope you know how
much I love you and love this gospel and love the perfect brightness of hope it
can bring to us.
Well, my timer is ticking. I love you all and miss you. I pray for you often and
work hard for each of you.
I know the church is true. I know the Gospel changes lives and brings peace and
comfort beyond measure. I am so thankful we have been so blessed to know our
purpose in life and so much more. The Gospel gives us the answers to the
questions of the soul... Share those answers with others. Join in the missionary
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
November 12 Letter
Hello family,
Sorry, I am really short on time this week. We are having a turkey bowl down
South today, so we just have a quick minute to send off an e-mail before we
catch a train.
Thank you everyone so much for the e-mails this week. They were so good! I LOVED
IT! It sounds like everyone is doing really well- between Liz having Tuesdays
and Thursdays back and Amos being a smiler (and gassy- he would be Eric's kid)
it sounds like things are good.
Sick! A cochroach just crawled across the computer screen... yummy. Speaking of
bugs, I woke up with my eye swollen shut this morning. So we are hoping it is
just a bug bite. I can open it a tinsy-bit now, so that is an improvement.
We have another baptism this weekend (Last weekend all three got baptized, but
one missed her confirmation, so that was scary, but it is ok now.) The girl
getting baptized is so amazing. The second time we went to go met with her, she
told us she had decided she wanted to go to early morning seminary so she had
enrolled and was starting on Monday. She was behind in the reading the first day
so she read for two days straight when she had time and caught up. That is so
amazing to me. I am not sure if I would've had such a strong desire to learn.
Sidenote about early morning seminary. It is not for just highschool students---
it is for everyone. I think that is interesting so a lot of the man and women go
to it before work in the morning.
Well, I have to get running, but I love you all a ton. I think about you in my
prayers at night. I hope you know how much I love you all!
Next week is the temple trip so I am not sure how much time I will have next
week either, but I kept all the e-mails as new, so I will be sure to write back
one of these next weeks!
Sister Shaver
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
November 6 Letter
Hello family!
Well, this week has been a quiet week- if those exist on missions. We have been
working really hard and seeing lots of tender mercies. We have three sisters who
are getting baptized this weekend. I am so excited for that. They are amazing
women and are making the most important decision ever... wow, I am amazed by
their faith and courage.
The first one is Wang Xiu Zhu. Well, first let me say, I met all of them with my
last companion, S Kang. We met Sister Wang's daughter at English class. Her
daughter is a member, so we asked her for her mom's number and asked if we could
share the Gospel with her. She gave it to us and said the missionaries years ago
tried and she wasn't interested. Well, we decided to try again. It is amazing
how the Lord's timing is so apparent in missionary work. This time she was ready
and waiting. From the first time we met with her, I knew she was going to be
baptized. I could feel it and see it in her eyes. She would come every time with
questions and scriptures she loved. She prays and reads everyday. She really is
going to add to the building of the kingdom of God. She is already helping our
other invesitgators... so good! She has really taught me the importance of
studying it out in our minds and then turning to the Lord and asking Him for His
The next one doesn't like her Chinese name- it is a boy's name- so she goes by
Wendy. She is amazing. She was a referral from the Elders. She is so awesome. We
have hardly taught her anyything because she is self motivated in her learning.
I really have seen the truth behind Elder Holland's statement that we
(missionaries) are not teaching anything new just bringing things to
remembrance. Every time we met with her, I leave feeling on fire... I feel the
Gospel burning in me. I love it when we have a contacting time after we met with
her because then when I am contacting I really feel the Spirit and feel the
boldness in sharing. She just strengthens my testimony so much. I feel a little
bu hao yi si ( I am not sure how that translates in English) because I feel like
I am learning so much more from her then she is learning from us.
The last one is a fourteen year old girl. Her mom is an inactive member and we
have been working hard with her mom and that opened the door for her daughter.
She is so excited to get baptized and her excitement is contagious. The YW love
her and she is just so happy. I am really happy for her and her mom. She is
helping her mom so much--- it is so good especially, when you think of the
covenants her mom made and the blessings she will now be able to receive because
of her daughters excitement and desire to learn about the Gospel.
It has been raining and freezing cold here. I somehow overlooked the fact that
Taiwan would be cooled and forget to bring a jacket on my mission. No problem,
right? Wrong! We have been looking for one the last few days and I am just too
fat and my arms are too long. (I am not complaining about the long arms though
because when the Taiwanese built all their fences they underestimated the length
of my arms. And that makes for whole new buildings (apartment complexes) of
racting...ha ha.) So sidenote: mom, if you could mail me my Northface jacket
from China--- the one without a hood that is tan: it is in my big tubberware---
that would be amazing.
Let's see... not much other news so I will tell you a little about Taiwan and
the random thing I have come to "love" on my mission--- The music playing ice
cream/garbage trucks. So one of my first days in Taiwan, I heard an ice cream
man... I was so excited. I remember thinking, "wow, they have ice cream trucks
in Taiwan. It doesn't get much better than that." Well, I quickly learned that
in fact the ice cream man -even playing the same exact music- is actually the
garbage man. BLAH! The Taiwanese don't leave their garbage out on the curb. They
leave it in their house and then when they hear the "ice cream man" coming, they
all run outside with their garbage and throw it into the garbage truck. It kinda
makes sense, but I don't think I will be able to buy ice cream from the garbage
man for a long time... the sound now immediately brings the smell to my nose and
it is not a nice smell.
Well, my time is up! I love you and miss you.
Love life. Be happy, worthy, obedient, and diligent!
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
October 30th Letter--Happy Halloween
Hello family!
This e-mail might start off sad, but it's not... so just read through.
So yesterday all the Sister's in the mission went on exchanges. They are going
to have the sisters go once a move call from now on. I had to go to a different
area with another sister. I didn't realized how attached I had become to Zhubei
and the invesitgators here. I guess that's what happens when you stay in the
same area. (Sidenote: did you know that Pres Hinckley was in the same area with
the same companion for 14 months. That is insane!) So the whole day I was
worried about my investigators in Zhubei and I'm sad to say I didn't get much
work done in Zhunan... that could be because we went to the church and found it
flooded so spent all day mopping and cleaning it. It is the 8th floor of a
building so it was rather intense. But when I got back things were fine, our
investigators still are getting baptized this coming weekend and S Flake and S
McKee did just fine- in fact, better than I could... It really made me realize
it is not me or my work.
The mission I am on right now is not Sister Shaver's. I already knew that, but
didn't really have such a firm testimony of that. I love the quote where it says
the Lord knows who he wants in the church and there isn't much we can do to ruin
that. It is so true--- we can only aid him. I love President Hoer. He is so full
of wisdom. He has given us three goals in life that will make all the difference
in the world. The first is 1. be worthy, 2. be diligent, and 3. be obedient.
Yesterday made me realize that as long as we are the three will we be entitled
to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and will not what to do, say and
be! Wow, what a promised blessing!
Today is Halloween and the holidays are a little hard- a little lonely. But
President Hoer realized that and realized it might be good for us to have just a
little fun. So the six sisters in our zone are going to go the amusement park (I
went to last move call) and playing. I am a little excited. There is supposed to
be a Halloween parade so that should be good! It should be fun the sisters are
way fun.
Well, I need to go catch the bus! But I love you all and miss you! I love this
work and am so thankful I am a part of it. I look forward every morning to
putting on my nametag and getting out that door by ten. I know this is the true
church! Share the gospel--- I know it is the fastest way to find joy.
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Another Letter
Mom, you sent the right ones for the Book of Mormon. I need the same exact ones
except for the Bible. If they had them a little smaller that would be awesome,
but if not, no worries. I used the ones in the Book of Mormon and they are
awesome--- I just struggle a little with finding Amos (the book, not your
grandson. don't tell Laura I said that.) Sorry to make this hard for you.
Do you remember this time last year when you sent my a package of American
Halloween candy?
Do you know Meg's school address? I would like to write her there, but not have
her know--- have it be a surprise... I like surprises now that I am on a
mission. I have become a lot more aware of simple acts of love and service. I
always thought I was ok at that before and now I realize how much more I could
have done--- opening doors, smiling, those sorts, etc.
Dad, the pictures were amazing. I cried looking at them- it really made me
think! Thank you so much. Keep sending hard copies of pictures now. I have been
laminating some of them and use them a lot teaching!
Thank you for the letters and e-mails they make my day on days were things
aren't the way I would have them be!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
October 23rd Letter
Hello family!
I am glad that Amos got the lamb and others got their pictures. I was a little
worried they weren't going to make it. It was fun to see little Amos with the
lamb. It helped me see a size perspective too- that lambed seemed so little to
This week has been amazing week. On Sunday, we had stake conference. We got to
the church and they told us all the missionaries would be listening to it in
English. I was a little excited about that because I really do miss Sacrament in
English. Well, it ended up being a broadcast with Elder Quinten L Cook, Elder
Perkins of the 70, Sister Mary N Cook, and President Monson. It was so good.
Their talks were so good and uplifting. Elder Perkins actually speaks Chinese
and did his own translation back to English, so it was a neat experience to be
on the other end of that. They taught a lot of really specific to Taiwan and
China doctrine. So it was pretty cool to be here to hear that. President Monson
said that President Hinckley said specifically to send his love to Taiwan and to
make sure that the people of Taiwan are ready and worthy for tomorrow. I
immediately got chills and realized how blessed the people of Taiwan are and
what power they are going to have in moving the church forward... wow! I get to
be a part of that... I am seeing miracles! Meg and anyone else who has contact
with the Young Women of the church prepare them to serve missions. Our mission
has a shortage of Sisters right now... These last three movecalls we've had 14
sisters go home and one come on. It is hard because it means a lot of closing
areas and opening areas--- so teach the young women of the church a mission is
not for the stereotype of sisters they hear about- it is for the strong ones
(not that I am) and the ones who love the Lord and the Lord leads them to a path
of a mission- I know a mission is not for every sister, but teach them it is a
worhty desire and a righteous option.
Yesterday, we had zone conference and it was amazing. Elder Perkins of the 70
came and spoke to us. He said that when he walked in he felt the Spirit stronger
than any other mission he had been too. He said he immediately knew he had to
teach a different lesson. When he was done teaching my head felt like it was
going to explode because it was stuffed full! At the end, we had a sisters
meeting with his wife. She told us that he taught us the doctrine of five zone
conferences in one. It did go from 9:00 am until 6:00pm- but it was amazing. I
never felt hungry once and glanced at my clock once. He focused a lot on the
doctrine of the Light of Christ, the Power of the Holy Ghost, and the Gift of
the Holy Ghost- it was very doctrinally deep. He drew quite a few pictures for
us and said now don't go and try to draw these for your investigators. It was
pretty neat to just sit and feast upon the words of Christ!
Well, I tried to send pictures, but for some reason I can't view them, so I
don't know which ones they are--- hopefully they are ok ones. Next time maybe I
will have to resend them
Well, my e-mail time is wrapping up... I love you and miss you a lot. I am
loving my mission and can hardly believe how fast time is going- I had a little
bit of a breakdown at zone conference when I was informed I was a third of the
way done. I cried and didn't like that thought. The way the move call falls, I
will be home before next Halloween which is cutting off about a month of the 18
months! It is really a very short time and that is what keeps one foot
sprinting in front of the other!
Wo ai nimen!
Shao Jiemei!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pictures from Anna, 10/23
Anna said this is her new favorite fruit. Obsession with passionfruit:

P day dinner at TGIF after zoo trip. Sisters Johnson, Anna, Crook, Flake and Kang TGiFridays:

She says she misses her scooter. Contacting in the rain:

This investigator contacted Anna at her Ward on Sunday and is baptized a month later. Sister Kang, Xiao Hui Xiang, and Anna

P day dinner at TGIF after zoo trip. Sisters Johnson, Anna, Crook, Flake and Kang TGiFridays:

She says she misses her scooter. Contacting in the rain:

This investigator contacted Anna at her Ward on Sunday and is baptized a month later. Sister Kang, Xiao Hui Xiang, and Anna

Monday, October 15, 2007
October 15th Letter
Hello Family!
Wow! The pictures are so awesome. I love to see them... I love the one of Josh
and Morgan. Morgan is so cute. And as for Amos... he looks like a doll... Dad,
how is having your first grandson? Did you cry when you saw him?
Well, I am still in Zhubei. But I have an awesome new companion. She actually
trained when I came on island. I thought she was going to be my trainer so I was
a little disappointed when she wasn't. But it is ok because she is mine now! Her
name is Sis Flake. She was in my zone this last move call, so I got to know her
then. She is a hardworker and super obedient. We look forward to seeing so many
miracles this move call. I will be sure to let everyone know!
Well, this last move call was an amazing learning experience. Five of our
investigators got baptized... just think of that... five more souls now have the
chance to return and live with Heavenly Father! I learned a lot about the
Taiwanese culture. It is definitely a lot different than the American culture. I
am so thankful for all these experiences I am having and I know Heavenly Father
is preparing me for the rest of my life. I learned a lot about holding my peace.
I heard very wise counsel "if it is not breaking a commandment- suan le (forget
it.)" That really helped me improve my relationship with my companion. We were
very different people and at first the move call was hard because I let these
differences (Satan) in. I let things that in the Eternal perspective had no
meaning change me now. Change me into a person I didn't want to be. I am so
thankful for repentance and the gift of forgiveness (D&C64:10). I am very
grateful I could repent and grow so that I can be the person I want to be- so I
can be the most effective tool in the hands of the Lord. I am thankful
repentance is a gift I can have ever day (because I need it!)... just think of
that every single day we have the opportunity to accept one of the greatest
gifts of all- repentance!
So who did not just love conference? Who wishes they could talk with such
boldness, power, and love as E.Holland? Who wanted to just hug E. Wirthlin? Who
wanted to tell President Hinckley he could make it? Who wants to chant shower,
shower? Who wants to do good and become better? Who thinks that Endure to the
End is much more than a phrase now? I loved conference... All of my friends told
me that on my mission I would love conference. I kept telling them I already
did, but little did I know they were right. Conference got me so fired up and so
ready to go! I hope everyone watched it and I hope everyone will study the
Ensign when it comes.
Well, family, I seriously love you all so much and can hardly believe all the
blessings we have seen this last little while. It was awesome to see mom and
Kate together and Steve and Morgan and Ali and Carrie. I am so glad everyone is
all together and loving each other. I want you all to know that I love you all
to the moon and back a million times, but I really know that I am supposed to be
on a mission right now and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I think that the
biggest blessing and greatest gift I can give to you all is to be on a mission.
I hope that everyone will have a chance to stop and take President Eyring's
advice and write down ways they have seen the Lord's hand in their lives. I know
I can see it in your lives even being in Taiwan.
I love you as big as all outdoors! And more importantly Heavenly Father knows
and loves each of you.
Sis Shaver!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
October 9th Letter
Congratulations, Laura and Eric. He looks good- my native companion thinks he
looks "different." She didn't know that American babies don't really have hair
or anything. I thought that was interesting. I never thought of that. I'm
excited to meet him one day... keep sending pictures. They are fun to look at.
We had a baptism on Sunday. Chiu Xin Yi the lady who is Grandma Margaret got
baptized. She was supposed to on Saturday night, but we had a real typhoon and
everyone had to go home. It was weird to be in our apartment for so long (two
extra hours.) I didn't really like it. We used the phones for the two hours and
added five new investigators- so that wasn't bad. It is seriously such a
blessing to have cellphones! And to think I used to hate them.
Today we are going to a theme park. It should be fun. It is raining a little bit
so that should add to the excitement. It is about an hour bus ride away--- I
have the hard choice of writing letters or taking a nap.
I really miss naps. I think my body is starting to adjust to the schedule. There
have been times where I really don't know if I am going to be able to make it
until 10:30 and then allof the sudden it is 10:30. My companion said that last
night we got a phone call at 10:33 (three minutes after we went to bed.) She
said by the time the phone call came I was asleep and she tried to wake me up,
but there was no budging. Sometimes I don't even remember my head hitting the
I am excited because yesterday I did my final pass off and now get to go onto
Phase Two! Learning characters--- Heavenly Father has really blessed me with
the gift of tongues. My Chinese is in no way good, but it is coming and I really
am excited to learn characters because I think that will be more my learning
style. It is a weird thing to everyday communicate with people in a language
that isn't mine. Sometimes when I am talking I am thinking "Wow, I have no idea
what I am saying, but the investigator is smiling and S Kang is nodding her head
in agreement. So it must be Chinese."
Well, the Elders are here so it is time for us to head off... I love everyone
and there are times where the thought comes to my mind someone in my family must
be praying for me right now! I really aprreciate and can feel your prayers. I
hope everyone can feel mine. I love you all!
Be good! Pray Often!
Sis Shaver
Thursday, October 4, 2007
October 3rd Letter--Three New Members
THERE ARE THREE NEW MEMBERS IN TAIWAN ZHUBEI! (and one on the way!) We had a
baptismal service on Saturday. It was so awesome. We baptized a brother and
sister and then a mom. It was such an amazing feeling. You could see the change
in their faces. I wish I could send the pictures on the computer, but there is
no way from this computer. I will print out hardcopies and send them home. Dad
is pretty good at pictures so I bet he can get them onto myfamily for me. The
boy we baptized asked us yesterday when we visited how much money he needed to
save for his mission! That was so awesome... He is only 15 and is preparing.
We have a baptismal service on Saturday for an Ammah (grandma.) When we were
teaching here, I had a very weird impression come into my head and come out
while I was teaching. My companion has really been stressing to me saying our
investigators name when we teach them so they know we are teaching them
personally. So I was teaching and called her grandma Margaret in the middle of
my teaching. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I had a very peaceful
feeling come over me. I just wanted to share this experience and that it
strengthened my testimony- that I know the gospel is true. I know that Heavenly
Father loves us. I know that He loves each one of his children. I know this
because He provides a way for each of His children to hear the Gospel- even if
they have past away without have the chance. This is such an amazing thing to me
and beyond my comprehension.
Well, it sounds like mom and dad moved into a good ward- besides the fact that
they think I am an Elder. I will work on sending a picture. As for scripture
there are seriously so so so so so so so so so many... I will think a little bit
and send it with my pictures when we go home.
Today we had a zone activity. We went to a zoo. It was fun. There was a crazy
monkey... Our Elders told us the Sisters had to go first through one room
because we couldn't go through together because it was too small and bu xing
(innappropriate.) Well, when we went into the room, we thought it was a little
strange because it was no different then any of the other exhibits except a
little bit darker. Right about that time, we turned and a huge oragantang
starting banging on the window and growling and showing it's teeth--- it
seriously was scaring. All the Elders got a good chuckle out of hearing us
scream. The Elders have been to the zoo for over a year now and they said that
every time I person walks through the monkey does the same thing... Tries to
fight its way out. A little bit sad, but if I was a kid I think it would've been
pretty awesome. The zoo was good--- all the normal animals, but we got to see
tigers swimming. I don't think I've ever seen one swim. That was pretty cool.
Next week we have a district activity and we are going to a themepark. I didn't
really realize how much missionaries could do on preparation days... I really
wish I could swim though. It is so hot and that would be so nice... I never
realized how much I love SWIMMING AND BOATING.
Well, it is time for us to get going. We are teaching English tonight. I have
kind of liked this last few weeks without teaching... oh well! Service and it
does bring blessings and investigators.
I love you all! And miss you all a lot--- and the mission is going to fast! Is
time flying for everyone else? I know mom can't get out of bed because she
misses me so much.... ha ha. Good luck with the little girls Halloween costumes.
I think it is so awesome you are so close to them and close to Laura and Meg.
Laura is going to need a little help pretty soon... how exciting!
Just wanted to let everyone know... Kate is pretty much the best. I can't got to
Chinatown with her and Steve... I'll show them how we barter in Chinese.
Sis Shaver
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
September 26 Letter--Moon Festival
It is Moon festival this week. Everyone has work off and is busy with family. So
we aren't having much success. They don't want to be bothered during their
We went to a ward BBQ yesterday... "Eric and Laura" gave us a ride. It was crazy
how much Chiu di xiong was like Eric... he even did a song and a dance like Eric
does- except it was in Chinese. They have a little girl about one so he sang
Dora the Explorer for us. I can see Eric doing that for the little one on the
Well, no other news- I love you all.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Anna is Safe
Hello family!
I got an e-mail from Kate asking if I was safe- I am safe.
It was pretty crazy. All of Taiwan had the day off except for the missionaries. We still went out proselyting- and it was probably one of our most successful days. We went tracting and everyone let us in because there was a typhoon and it wasn't safe to be outside. So we taught a lot of families- we will just have to see how they respond now that there isn't really still a typhoon. (Sidenote: Mom, don't read this... I have been in Taiwan two months and have had two typhoons and one earthquake! I've got pretty good odds.)
The work is going well. Having a native companion is hard work- my Chinese isn't so great and I miss speaking English. S Kang is very intense too- it has gotten to the point were she wants to pick my clothes in the morning and I have to wear my hair a certain way because more people ask her about me when it is that way. I am kinda struggling a little bit with that, but Pres Hoer taught me a very important principle. He said 99 percent of personal conflict is due to violated personal expectations. And that we have two ways to respond- one is to change the persons behavior or two is to change/ clarify our expectations. It has helped a lot to think of it that way. And any time I am feeling frustrated I ask myself "what personal expectation is being violated and realize that most of the time it is a personal wenti and I need to change. I am finding that I have been humbled a lot on my mission. If I learn nothing else on my mission- it will be so worth it because humility does amazing things- I have learned so much!
Well, I am loving the work. We have a baptism this weekend and then a baptism of five next weekend! It is pretty exciting.
Well, I have to get going, but I love you all! I am missing you all and love the chances I have to hear from you. Thanks for being so good about writing!
Wo ai nimen!
Shao Jiemei.
I got an e-mail from Kate asking if I was safe- I am safe.
It was pretty crazy. All of Taiwan had the day off except for the missionaries. We still went out proselyting- and it was probably one of our most successful days. We went tracting and everyone let us in because there was a typhoon and it wasn't safe to be outside. So we taught a lot of families- we will just have to see how they respond now that there isn't really still a typhoon. (Sidenote: Mom, don't read this... I have been in Taiwan two months and have had two typhoons and one earthquake! I've got pretty good odds.)
The work is going well. Having a native companion is hard work- my Chinese isn't so great and I miss speaking English. S Kang is very intense too- it has gotten to the point were she wants to pick my clothes in the morning and I have to wear my hair a certain way because more people ask her about me when it is that way. I am kinda struggling a little bit with that, but Pres Hoer taught me a very important principle. He said 99 percent of personal conflict is due to violated personal expectations. And that we have two ways to respond- one is to change the persons behavior or two is to change/ clarify our expectations. It has helped a lot to think of it that way. And any time I am feeling frustrated I ask myself "what personal expectation is being violated and realize that most of the time it is a personal wenti and I need to change. I am finding that I have been humbled a lot on my mission. If I learn nothing else on my mission- it will be so worth it because humility does amazing things- I have learned so much!
Well, I am loving the work. We have a baptism this weekend and then a baptism of five next weekend! It is pretty exciting.
Well, I have to get going, but I love you all! I am missing you all and love the chances I have to hear from you. Thanks for being so good about writing!
Wo ai nimen!
Shao Jiemei.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
September 12 Letter--New Area
Hello all! The new area is amazing. It it a city- with millions of people. Ok, I
don't know if there are millions, but there are so many people. It is a little
bit hard because they are all so well educated, but a little on the prideful
side. We've learned that if they will let us meet with them they probably will
get baptized. We have a baptism this weekend and then a family the next! It is
so awesome. I love to see their lives change- I love to see the light turn on
inside of them. I never have really seen the light turn on before--- you can
actually see it in their eyes. You can see a difference in their countenance.
When we go to meet with investigators, you can tell by looking at them if they
have been reading and praying. It is exciting when they have been!
My new area has every American restaurant- pretty much. My companion, Sis Kang,
really wants to go to Outback Steak House. She has never been to one before-
being from a small town in Taiwan. So I am sure we will probably be going there
sometime in the next six weeks. It is crazy how fast time goes.
Opening the area hasn't been to hard--- our ward mission leader doesn't like my
companion. He refuses to talk to her and talks to me in English so she can't
understand. So that is a little awkward especially since I can't talk to him if
she isn't involved in the conversation (mission rule.) There are a lot of people
who have seen the missionaries in other areas and self contact us. So that makes
contacting pretty easy when they just walk up to you and say "shenme shi?" which
is like what are you/ who are you? We are having a hard time getting members
involved. We have two wards of about 25 people in each so we have to go on
"fenkai gongzuo" (splits?) on Sundays. Makes my communicating interesting- I did
understand that I had been asked to say the prayer in R.S. and bear my testimony
in Sacrament so that is an improvement.
Let's see... what else? We have a cultural center in our area. So a lot of
people from all over Taiwan come to it. So we get lots of referrals for other
areas. We actually are going to go there today so we can see what's inside. It
should be an adventure... President Hoer told us that is what preparation day is
about. Learning about and loving the culture. We have been encouraged to site
see--- so no complaints here! I can work hard for six days and then rest for
one- no problem!
Thanks for the e-mails this week. I appreciate them and look forward to my hour
of e-mail. I will send some pictures... Sorry they all are random pictures. It
is hard because we can only take pictures on preparation day, so it isn't really
an accurate portrayal of everyday.
I love you all and prayer for you daily!
Sis Shaver
Monday, September 3, 2007
September 3rd Letter--Woot Wo! I Am So Excited
I only have five minutes--- I love you all family. And you will be excited to
know the reason why I only have five minutes is because I have a NEW COMPANION.
I tried to stay very positive last move call, but it was hard. I got a call from
President saying... you passed your test. You have been called to open a new
area with Sis Kang, a native! And she is the highest baptizer in the mission!
She is also the hardest worker and President told me I'd have to pick up the
pace! So I am so so excited. This is how I had envisioned my trainer so I am so
lucky to have this opportunity my second move call. I am so excited and think
this move call will bring lots of growth and progression. My Chinese has already
gotten better in day.
Well, I am sorry this e-mail is so short, but I really love you all. And I am
forgetting myself and getting to work! I will e-mail not this Wednesday, but
next! I think it might be Tuesday for you- just the usual day!
Wo ai nimen!
Sis Shaver.
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Finally Some Pictures!

Painting my bike... it is a mission rule that you have to paint your bike ugly
because too many missionary bikes were getting stolen. So it was a sad day, but
my bike is sweet. It is so horrible looking. I doubt anyone would ever want to
steal it!
On my way home from the grocery store... all loaded up or should I say down!
Glad the grocery store isn't too far away!
At the temple last week. It is so beautiful. I am not sure this picture does it
justice. It has an amazing blue roof. It is so cool, it is a temple, but still
has the Chinese twist to it.
My MTC companion, Sis Azure and I, with our teacher. Still the most amazing
person I've met. She has such a sweet spirit and is so humble. She is from Hong
Kong. She speaks English, Mandarin, Cantonese(as her first), and portugese. And
I am having trouble with Mandarin...
August 29 Letter
So I brought my journal with me today so I could remember some of the fun things
that happened this last week. But before that I have two questions I want to
answer first. One is from mom and one from Kate.
Kate's first... in her letter this week, she asked if I rode my bike a lot or
the bus... Well, there is no bus! We ride our bikes a ton. We average over 30
miles a day! One of our investigators who is supposed to be getting baptized
this Saturday lives a 1 1/2 ride from our house. We ride there every other day-
it is killer, but it is all about the work. The most quoted analogy in our
mission. Is the one about Lance Armstrong and how he does everything for the
yellow... eats, sleeps, works all for the yellow. Since we spend so much time on
our bikes, we can feel we can relate to him (ha ha) except our yellow is
BAPTISM! It is pretty sweet. I use mom's story she told me about rowing for
past on ancestors... and use it a lot 100 (my chinese counting is getting way
good!) more pedals for Grandma Margaret and so on. Mom, can you refresh my
memory about that story a little bit more. I tried to explain to my companion,
but it didn't really work.
The next one was mom's "Do you get many interested in the gospel? Is the field
white and ready to harvest?" It is so white and ready to harvest. It is an
amazing thing. I don't know what is that is so special about our mission, but it
is special ( I know everyone thinks that about there mission, but mine is!) It
is the highest baptizing Asian mission. We baptize twice as many as Taipei and 4
times as many as GaoXian. And it has one of the highest retention rates. The
joke in the other two missions is because we have cell phones and they don't.
But I know it runs a lot deeper than that and has to do with who Heavenly Father
is preparing to receive the Gospel! The work is good, we could use a lot more
member involvement, but that will come with time as we work with members and
show our appreciation for them. Everyone just needs a little encouragement.
So journal stories... Well, the best one is probably the most inappropriate
one... but oh well, I think it is worth a share. So there are native Taiwenese
people who are like Native Natives... I can't think of the word in English. They
aren't modernized and are pretty out there. Well, we have been trying to meet
with this family who keeps contacting the Elders. So finally, we got out of them
where they live. They don't live in a "house" so they don't have an address. It
took us forever to find this place where they live. When we got there, only the
grandma and the kids were home. She said that everyone else would be home soon.
So she invited us in. So in I walk... la la la la... AHHH! Stop dead in my
tracks because standing right in front of me is a naked man! He was about 35 and
was like, oh welcome. come in, come in. Not even flinching at the fact that he
was naked. He then told us I am going to take a shower, you can wait here. So he
left. Well, two seconds later he walked back in with a bucket of water. And
asked if we minded if he took a shower and talked to us while he did. My
companion and I stared at each other and told him that wasn't neccessary ad we
could wait outside. So outside we went. Well, shortly his wife came home and we
taught them a Gospel lesson. IT WAS CRAZY! It was my trainers first contact with
a native... so I guess I am pretty "unlucky/lucky" to have that one in my first
move call!
So this week is move call... I am a little sad- actually a lot! because three of
the people I met contacting are getting baptized next week. Maybe I won't get
transferred and will be able to still be at their baptism! It is pretty cool.
They call the missionary who initially contacted them their Gospel Sister. It is
an amazing feeling to be someone's Gospel sister.
Does anyone know of where I can get a picture of the following people...
Grandpa Ward, Grandma Margaret, Grandpa Bob, Grandma Audrey, William Ward
Shaver, L Halldorson, Robert Addie Stewart, Margaret Dornes Barr, Earl Deran
Young, Hilda Olive Morehouse, Arthur John Erickson, and Pearl Evelyn Peterson? I
am trying to finish my "My Heritage" book... it is so cool! I love it!
I love you all and am going to try to attach pictures to a different e-mail.
Don't want to lose this one if it doesn't work. I love you and miss you. I pray
for you everyday! Thank you for being such an awesome support! I don't know what
life would be like without you all!
Wo ai nimen!
Shao Jiemei!
Thursday, August 23, 2007
August 22 Letter
Hello family!
Well, I am home from the temple and it was so amazing. I can say it was probably
my best experience in the temple aside from my first trip there. There was just
really something special about going through the temple for a Chinese sister. I
had so many questions answered and could feel the Spirit so strong. It was truly
a house of refuge and a dwelling of peace. Go to the temple... even if you can't
or don't have time to go through the temple... go to the temple. Feel of the
Spirit on the temple grounds. Take the little girls there so they can see and
feel of the Lord's house.
I just want everyone to know Satan is real and don't leave room for him in your
life. Don't get even close to the line- it is not worth it. When I first got
here, my mission president asked me what would be the biggest thing to distract
me from my mission because Satan would make it flashing neon lights (that
happened today when I saw Elder Anderson at the temple. Don't worry, I AM STILL
A FOCUSED MISSIONARY- but only because of the miracle of the Atonement and the
ability we have to overcome our weaknesses because of Christ) I have felt this
so much as a missionary. I have seen it in the lives of my investigators. Satan
knows our weaknesses and that is why we have to come unto Christ so we can
recognize our weakness and overcome them. I love that part of Ether 12:27- I had
never noticed it before... but the wording of when we come unto him he will show
us our weaknesses. So in order to recognize our weaknesses we need to come unto
him. So my invitation to everyone is take five minutes and read Ether 12:27 and
apply that and recognize a weakness you need help with! And after you've done
that rely on him and then read Jacob 4:7 ba!
Well, I am sorry this is so short. Know I know...this is the Lord's work! I am
doing all I can to help others recognize and know Him! The church is true. The
Gospel is restored!
I love you all!
Sis Shaver
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
August 15 Letter
Family! WO AI NIMEN!
I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO GOOD! I've never been this tired and so happy at
the same time! It is such an awesome feeling. I was reading the Message from the
First Presidency in Preach My Gospel and it said they challenged us to rise to a
new sense of commitment and so I took that to heart this week. AND IT FEELS SO
SO GOOD! But seriously, I am so tired. If I stop moving for a second I am out!
Good motivation to keep me going. It is going to be nice when I am passed off on
the language lessons so I can sleep in until 6:30 instead of 6:00. I am sure my
companion is going to appreciate it too. I am passed off on 2 of 5--- tonight
hopefully, will be the third. My zone leader told me he has never had anyone get
passed off in the first move call and that is the path I am on right now, so we
will see. Keep praying for me!
So I got nine letters this week from family and Aunt B! It was so awesome! Thank
you everyone... it was so so nice to get your letters. It made me happy and made
me grin from ear to ear. Mom, you remember how you were saying Meg practiced her
smile to have gums show when she smiles... guess what? I have gums show! Never
thought that could happen with my tiny little mouth- but it does. And people
think I am Asian when I smile and then when I speak Chinese they ask if my mom
or dad is Asian. Random, eh?
So guess what? I didn't tell you last week because no need to worry, right?
There was typhoon warning last week. It was pretty cool. It started raining on
Wednesday and has been raining off and on since. The rice fields were cut
through were flooded. I was soaked... through raincoats, clothes, everything.
Even my bed was wet from humidity... it has stopped raining now and I am slowly
drying out.
I love the mission! I love the adventure! I love sharing the gospel. I love
smiling and having no idea what the other person is saying. I love when I know
they are saying they don't want to hear the message and I just keep bearing
testimony! I love when they come up to me and stare... I love when the little
kids come running to me screaming "mei guo ren" aka American. I love when the
little kids take me to their houses and we then get to share with their parents!
So in case you were wondering... I LOVE LIFE! I love the gospel! I love my
family! I love the hope I can have because of the Gospel and the Atonement! I
love the trials I am having! I love the learning I am doing! I love the Book of
Mormon! I love the Bible! I love this life opportunity! I love it!
Well, I have a few questions for everyone...
One of the tools we have in this mission is an awesome family history book. It
is so cool... it is Chinese/English! It works really well here because people
are very interested in people's family history and people's life stories. I was
looking through it and need some things from you to get it to work. This
includes everyone this e-mail is forwarded on to...
1. A picture that you want to be remembered by forever!
2. Your birthplace
3. Marriage place (if married)
4. A story that sums up your life.
I think that is it. So if you could mail these to me that would be awesome! And
so so appreciated.
Before I forget, we are going to the temple in Taipei next preparation day. So I
don't know if we will have time to e-mail or not. But I will have time on the
bus to write letters. So if there is no e-mail next week don't worry! It is
because I am at the TEMPLE IN TAIWAN TAIPEI! It is arranged so we will go there
every other move call. That is way awesome especially since it is out of our
mission boundaries. We are a special mission- we even have cell phones.
Well, I love everyone. The e-mails this week were so awesome. I don't know why-
but they were just right. Kept focus, but still let me know life was good for
everyone and everyone was moving forward! Keep writing. I love the e-mails and
letters. I am going to call Laura and Eric out for a second, I was looking
forward to seeing another picture of pregnant Laura. Where are you two? Ok ma?
Mom or dad, I don't know how Ensigns work... but we only get one between
companionship and for some reason all of us missionaries are Ensign hogs. Is
there any way you can send me the Ensign? If you can, that would be awesome. And
if it is do able maybe it in English and in Chinese. I would love to share with
my investigators and the members from it. Don't worry about it if it is too much
Wo ai nimen!
Be good!
Shao Jiemei!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
DVD on the Dan Jones box
Pres Hoer sent a video of Anna and the new missionaries preaching in a public mall. Anna looked so good, Mom and I cried to watch. She is on the Dan Jones box and also singing with the group. A must see for generations. DAD
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
August 8 Letter
Nimen hao! Zem ne yang?
Hello! How's it going?
Wow! I didn't know that President was sending you the video. That is pretty
awesome- you'll have to make sure to keep that so I can watch it when I get
home- the projector was broken when we watched it- so we didn't see the whole
thing. Glad to hear mom cried--- Sister Hoer told us that was our goal for our
mission to return home to our mothers and have them weep because they know we
gave our all to serve the Lord. So mom, prepare to cry! Wow, that was such an
awesome experience. The more I think about it the more I want to go back and do
it again. I want to get back up on that box and declare so much more- my
testimony (especially about the importance of this work) has grown so so much!
If you serve in that area, you get to do it once that move call. Pray that I get
to serve in that area!
Well, it seems like just yesterday I was sitting in this chair e-mailing home. I
hope the whole mission doesn't go this fast! I don't think I would like that
very much!
Wow, so zone conference was amazing! President and Sister Hoer are amazing and
the missionaries here are so so amazing! It is such a honor to be here on my
mission- I am glad this is the place for me. I strongly disagree with people
saying that people who go Chinese speaking just come home from their missions. I
don't think I will be the same person when I come home- I am not the same person
from my first day on island.
So finally a story that doesn't have to wait till I am home to tell--- just
kidding- kinda. Well, I broke my fourth watch. My companion and I were
contacting. I saw a lady on a scooter so I ran beside her and tried talking to
her. She seemed way interested so I was really focusing on making sure I go the
Chinese out. At about that time, I realized that a car had just run into me. I
didn't really feel it at all. And then I realized why I didn't feel it was
because all it had hit was my watch. So needless to say, my watch was shattered,
but I got a new investigator.
Well, I am going to try and attach some pictures to another e-mail. Don't want
to lose this one in the meantime... it is all a guessing game because all the
directions are in characters- so we'll see if it works.
Well, I LOVE YOU FAMILY! I know this is the true church! I know that Joseph is a
prophet of God. I know that through him Heavenly Father restored so many truths-
as the commercials say "Truth Restored."
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver.
p.s. Our preparation day is on Wednesdays... so the e-mails will probably come
at about the time this one and last weeks came...
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
July 31 Letter--Settling Down in Taiwan
Hello family! And friends...
Well, I am in Taiwan and starting to get into the flow of things. A mission is
an amazing thing- it is the most trying and rewarding thing. Mom and Meg, so
remember when I said I didn't know why anyone wouldn't want to go on a mission
with all the promised blessings they have... well, I am finally realizing how
desperately I need those blessings and rely on them. They are a necessity! And I
am so thankful for them. I am so thankful for Jesus the Christ and all He has
done for each one of us. I rely on Him so much and can feel His love for me,
Sister Shaver. I know this is where I need to be and I know I am only having
these struggles and challenges so that my patience and faith can be tried and
can grow so I can be a more effective messenger of truth!
The language is a hard thing. I am studying 24/7 and working so hard and some of
it is sticking. It is pretty exciting when you study words in the morning and
than you hear and understand them during the day. I may only understand one
word, but I learned that word and worked hard for it!
I should probably explain two Chinese phrases, because I have a feeling I will
use them in this e-mail sometime. The first one is "ting bu dong." It means I
hear what you are saying, but I don't understand it. The other one is "ting de
dong." Which is I hear what you are saying and understand it. In a sentence I
usually "ting de dong" about two or three words and "ting bu dong" about twenty.
But I can feel Heavenly Father blessing me and see his tender mercies all around
One day, when I was feeling rather humbled and really was seeking to know if
Heavenly Father was pleased with what I had been doing, I received confirmation
this is the Lord's work and I am doing His will. We were at the grocery store
contacting and I had prayed that morning to be able to say at least one thing to
one person that the Lord had prepared. Well, there was a mom and her baby
getting off their scooter. I hurried over there to share with her. I told her
who I was. And that I was so excited to be in Taiwan and share a message about
the gospel of Jesus Christ. I got the usual response of "wo shi fojiao, bu yong"
or in English "I am Buddhists and don't need." I smiled and said that is good,
but the message I have can bless you and your family. She turned her head and
seemed to be interested for a second. I told her about Joseph Smith and stumbled
through the first vision in Chinese. It was about this point I realized she was
listening and not walking away. I told her we can live as a family for eternity.
And that I would love to come visit with her and her family and share this
message. She said ok. And hesistantly gave me her phone number. (Sidenote: I
should've challenged for baptism, but I forgot. I know--- how do you forget
something like that?) Well, my companion called her and we went and met with her
(since then a few times). She has set a baptismal goal, is reading the Book of
Mormon, knows it is true, and loves the different feeling she gets when she
prays! I am so thankful for Heavenly Father and the opportunity He has given me
to be an instrument in His hands. Wanting to share the Gospel with others is a
good motivation for learning the language... there is no feeling quite like
feeling the Spirit burning within you and have no way of getting it out in
spoken word. It is a very humbling experience and a very motivating one. It is a
hard feeling to explain and one I hope I have only for a short period of time. I
have learned the power of the Spirit in unsaid words and feelings felt. As my
companion teaches sometimes I "ting bu dong" everything, but sitting there
smiling and saying a prayer in my heart, I really believe I add my testimony to
the words spoken.
So to make a long e-mail short! The mission is amazing. The language is hard.
The Lord is blessing me! And I am ready to learn, learn, learn and share.
I love all of you! I love this church. I love this work. I know it is the Lord's
work. I love the people of Taiwan. And I love the fact that I am a MISSIONARY!
Wo ai nimen!
Shao Jiemei.
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