Hello family!
This e-mail might start off sad, but it's not... so just read through.
So yesterday all the Sister's in the mission went on exchanges. They are going
to have the sisters go once a move call from now on. I had to go to a different
area with another sister. I didn't realized how attached I had become to Zhubei
and the invesitgators here. I guess that's what happens when you stay in the
same area. (Sidenote: did you know that Pres Hinckley was in the same area with
the same companion for 14 months. That is insane!) So the whole day I was
worried about my investigators in Zhubei and I'm sad to say I didn't get much
work done in Zhunan... that could be because we went to the church and found it
flooded so spent all day mopping and cleaning it. It is the 8th floor of a
building so it was rather intense. But when I got back things were fine, our
investigators still are getting baptized this coming weekend and S Flake and S
McKee did just fine- in fact, better than I could... It really made me realize
it is not me or my work.
The mission I am on right now is not Sister Shaver's. I already knew that, but
didn't really have such a firm testimony of that. I love the quote where it says
the Lord knows who he wants in the church and there isn't much we can do to ruin
that. It is so true--- we can only aid him. I love President Hoer. He is so full
of wisdom. He has given us three goals in life that will make all the difference
in the world. The first is 1. be worthy, 2. be diligent, and 3. be obedient.
Yesterday made me realize that as long as we are the three will we be entitled
to the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost and will not what to do, say and
be! Wow, what a promised blessing!
Today is Halloween and the holidays are a little hard- a little lonely. But
President Hoer realized that and realized it might be good for us to have just a
little fun. So the six sisters in our zone are going to go the amusement park (I
went to last move call) and playing. I am a little excited. There is supposed to
be a Halloween parade so that should be good! It should be fun the sisters are
way fun.
Well, I need to go catch the bus! But I love you all and miss you! I love this
work and am so thankful I am a part of it. I look forward every morning to
putting on my nametag and getting out that door by ten. I know this is the true
church! Share the gospel--- I know it is the fastest way to find joy.
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
October 30th Letter--Happy Halloween
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Another Letter
Mom, you sent the right ones for the Book of Mormon. I need the same exact ones
except for the Bible. If they had them a little smaller that would be awesome,
but if not, no worries. I used the ones in the Book of Mormon and they are
awesome--- I just struggle a little with finding Amos (the book, not your
grandson. don't tell Laura I said that.) Sorry to make this hard for you.
Do you remember this time last year when you sent my a package of American
Halloween candy?
Do you know Meg's school address? I would like to write her there, but not have
her know--- have it be a surprise... I like surprises now that I am on a
mission. I have become a lot more aware of simple acts of love and service. I
always thought I was ok at that before and now I realize how much more I could
have done--- opening doors, smiling, those sorts, etc.
Dad, the pictures were amazing. I cried looking at them- it really made me
think! Thank you so much. Keep sending hard copies of pictures now. I have been
laminating some of them and use them a lot teaching!
Thank you for the letters and e-mails they make my day on days were things
aren't the way I would have them be!
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
October 23rd Letter
Hello family!
I am glad that Amos got the lamb and others got their pictures. I was a little
worried they weren't going to make it. It was fun to see little Amos with the
lamb. It helped me see a size perspective too- that lambed seemed so little to
This week has been amazing week. On Sunday, we had stake conference. We got to
the church and they told us all the missionaries would be listening to it in
English. I was a little excited about that because I really do miss Sacrament in
English. Well, it ended up being a broadcast with Elder Quinten L Cook, Elder
Perkins of the 70, Sister Mary N Cook, and President Monson. It was so good.
Their talks were so good and uplifting. Elder Perkins actually speaks Chinese
and did his own translation back to English, so it was a neat experience to be
on the other end of that. They taught a lot of really specific to Taiwan and
China doctrine. So it was pretty cool to be here to hear that. President Monson
said that President Hinckley said specifically to send his love to Taiwan and to
make sure that the people of Taiwan are ready and worthy for tomorrow. I
immediately got chills and realized how blessed the people of Taiwan are and
what power they are going to have in moving the church forward... wow! I get to
be a part of that... I am seeing miracles! Meg and anyone else who has contact
with the Young Women of the church prepare them to serve missions. Our mission
has a shortage of Sisters right now... These last three movecalls we've had 14
sisters go home and one come on. It is hard because it means a lot of closing
areas and opening areas--- so teach the young women of the church a mission is
not for the stereotype of sisters they hear about- it is for the strong ones
(not that I am) and the ones who love the Lord and the Lord leads them to a path
of a mission- I know a mission is not for every sister, but teach them it is a
worhty desire and a righteous option.
Yesterday, we had zone conference and it was amazing. Elder Perkins of the 70
came and spoke to us. He said that when he walked in he felt the Spirit stronger
than any other mission he had been too. He said he immediately knew he had to
teach a different lesson. When he was done teaching my head felt like it was
going to explode because it was stuffed full! At the end, we had a sisters
meeting with his wife. She told us that he taught us the doctrine of five zone
conferences in one. It did go from 9:00 am until 6:00pm- but it was amazing. I
never felt hungry once and glanced at my clock once. He focused a lot on the
doctrine of the Light of Christ, the Power of the Holy Ghost, and the Gift of
the Holy Ghost- it was very doctrinally deep. He drew quite a few pictures for
us and said now don't go and try to draw these for your investigators. It was
pretty neat to just sit and feast upon the words of Christ!
Well, I tried to send pictures, but for some reason I can't view them, so I
don't know which ones they are--- hopefully they are ok ones. Next time maybe I
will have to resend them
Well, my e-mail time is wrapping up... I love you and miss you a lot. I am
loving my mission and can hardly believe how fast time is going- I had a little
bit of a breakdown at zone conference when I was informed I was a third of the
way done. I cried and didn't like that thought. The way the move call falls, I
will be home before next Halloween which is cutting off about a month of the 18
months! It is really a very short time and that is what keeps one foot
sprinting in front of the other!
Wo ai nimen!
Shao Jiemei!
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Pictures from Anna, 10/23
Anna said this is her new favorite fruit. Obsession with passionfruit:

P day dinner at TGIF after zoo trip. Sisters Johnson, Anna, Crook, Flake and Kang TGiFridays:

She says she misses her scooter. Contacting in the rain:

This investigator contacted Anna at her Ward on Sunday and is baptized a month later. Sister Kang, Xiao Hui Xiang, and Anna

P day dinner at TGIF after zoo trip. Sisters Johnson, Anna, Crook, Flake and Kang TGiFridays:

She says she misses her scooter. Contacting in the rain:

This investigator contacted Anna at her Ward on Sunday and is baptized a month later. Sister Kang, Xiao Hui Xiang, and Anna

Monday, October 15, 2007
October 15th Letter
Hello Family!
Wow! The pictures are so awesome. I love to see them... I love the one of Josh
and Morgan. Morgan is so cute. And as for Amos... he looks like a doll... Dad,
how is having your first grandson? Did you cry when you saw him?
Well, I am still in Zhubei. But I have an awesome new companion. She actually
trained when I came on island. I thought she was going to be my trainer so I was
a little disappointed when she wasn't. But it is ok because she is mine now! Her
name is Sis Flake. She was in my zone this last move call, so I got to know her
then. She is a hardworker and super obedient. We look forward to seeing so many
miracles this move call. I will be sure to let everyone know!
Well, this last move call was an amazing learning experience. Five of our
investigators got baptized... just think of that... five more souls now have the
chance to return and live with Heavenly Father! I learned a lot about the
Taiwanese culture. It is definitely a lot different than the American culture. I
am so thankful for all these experiences I am having and I know Heavenly Father
is preparing me for the rest of my life. I learned a lot about holding my peace.
I heard very wise counsel "if it is not breaking a commandment- suan le (forget
it.)" That really helped me improve my relationship with my companion. We were
very different people and at first the move call was hard because I let these
differences (Satan) in. I let things that in the Eternal perspective had no
meaning change me now. Change me into a person I didn't want to be. I am so
thankful for repentance and the gift of forgiveness (D&C64:10). I am very
grateful I could repent and grow so that I can be the person I want to be- so I
can be the most effective tool in the hands of the Lord. I am thankful
repentance is a gift I can have ever day (because I need it!)... just think of
that every single day we have the opportunity to accept one of the greatest
gifts of all- repentance!
So who did not just love conference? Who wishes they could talk with such
boldness, power, and love as E.Holland? Who wanted to just hug E. Wirthlin? Who
wanted to tell President Hinckley he could make it? Who wants to chant shower,
shower? Who wants to do good and become better? Who thinks that Endure to the
End is much more than a phrase now? I loved conference... All of my friends told
me that on my mission I would love conference. I kept telling them I already
did, but little did I know they were right. Conference got me so fired up and so
ready to go! I hope everyone watched it and I hope everyone will study the
Ensign when it comes.
Well, family, I seriously love you all so much and can hardly believe all the
blessings we have seen this last little while. It was awesome to see mom and
Kate together and Steve and Morgan and Ali and Carrie. I am so glad everyone is
all together and loving each other. I want you all to know that I love you all
to the moon and back a million times, but I really know that I am supposed to be
on a mission right now and wouldn't want to be anywhere else. I think that the
biggest blessing and greatest gift I can give to you all is to be on a mission.
I hope that everyone will have a chance to stop and take President Eyring's
advice and write down ways they have seen the Lord's hand in their lives. I know
I can see it in your lives even being in Taiwan.
I love you as big as all outdoors! And more importantly Heavenly Father knows
and loves each of you.
Sis Shaver!
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
October 9th Letter
Congratulations, Laura and Eric. He looks good- my native companion thinks he
looks "different." She didn't know that American babies don't really have hair
or anything. I thought that was interesting. I never thought of that. I'm
excited to meet him one day... keep sending pictures. They are fun to look at.
We had a baptism on Sunday. Chiu Xin Yi the lady who is Grandma Margaret got
baptized. She was supposed to on Saturday night, but we had a real typhoon and
everyone had to go home. It was weird to be in our apartment for so long (two
extra hours.) I didn't really like it. We used the phones for the two hours and
added five new investigators- so that wasn't bad. It is seriously such a
blessing to have cellphones! And to think I used to hate them.
Today we are going to a theme park. It should be fun. It is raining a little bit
so that should add to the excitement. It is about an hour bus ride away--- I
have the hard choice of writing letters or taking a nap.
I really miss naps. I think my body is starting to adjust to the schedule. There
have been times where I really don't know if I am going to be able to make it
until 10:30 and then allof the sudden it is 10:30. My companion said that last
night we got a phone call at 10:33 (three minutes after we went to bed.) She
said by the time the phone call came I was asleep and she tried to wake me up,
but there was no budging. Sometimes I don't even remember my head hitting the
I am excited because yesterday I did my final pass off and now get to go onto
Phase Two! Learning characters--- Heavenly Father has really blessed me with
the gift of tongues. My Chinese is in no way good, but it is coming and I really
am excited to learn characters because I think that will be more my learning
style. It is a weird thing to everyday communicate with people in a language
that isn't mine. Sometimes when I am talking I am thinking "Wow, I have no idea
what I am saying, but the investigator is smiling and S Kang is nodding her head
in agreement. So it must be Chinese."
Well, the Elders are here so it is time for us to head off... I love everyone
and there are times where the thought comes to my mind someone in my family must
be praying for me right now! I really aprreciate and can feel your prayers. I
hope everyone can feel mine. I love you all!
Be good! Pray Often!
Sis Shaver
Thursday, October 4, 2007
October 3rd Letter--Three New Members
THERE ARE THREE NEW MEMBERS IN TAIWAN ZHUBEI! (and one on the way!) We had a
baptismal service on Saturday. It was so awesome. We baptized a brother and
sister and then a mom. It was such an amazing feeling. You could see the change
in their faces. I wish I could send the pictures on the computer, but there is
no way from this computer. I will print out hardcopies and send them home. Dad
is pretty good at pictures so I bet he can get them onto myfamily for me. The
boy we baptized asked us yesterday when we visited how much money he needed to
save for his mission! That was so awesome... He is only 15 and is preparing.
We have a baptismal service on Saturday for an Ammah (grandma.) When we were
teaching here, I had a very weird impression come into my head and come out
while I was teaching. My companion has really been stressing to me saying our
investigators name when we teach them so they know we are teaching them
personally. So I was teaching and called her grandma Margaret in the middle of
my teaching. As soon as the words came out of my mouth, I had a very peaceful
feeling come over me. I just wanted to share this experience and that it
strengthened my testimony- that I know the gospel is true. I know that Heavenly
Father loves us. I know that He loves each one of his children. I know this
because He provides a way for each of His children to hear the Gospel- even if
they have past away without have the chance. This is such an amazing thing to me
and beyond my comprehension.
Well, it sounds like mom and dad moved into a good ward- besides the fact that
they think I am an Elder. I will work on sending a picture. As for scripture
there are seriously so so so so so so so so so many... I will think a little bit
and send it with my pictures when we go home.
Today we had a zone activity. We went to a zoo. It was fun. There was a crazy
monkey... Our Elders told us the Sisters had to go first through one room
because we couldn't go through together because it was too small and bu xing
(innappropriate.) Well, when we went into the room, we thought it was a little
strange because it was no different then any of the other exhibits except a
little bit darker. Right about that time, we turned and a huge oragantang
starting banging on the window and growling and showing it's teeth--- it
seriously was scaring. All the Elders got a good chuckle out of hearing us
scream. The Elders have been to the zoo for over a year now and they said that
every time I person walks through the monkey does the same thing... Tries to
fight its way out. A little bit sad, but if I was a kid I think it would've been
pretty awesome. The zoo was good--- all the normal animals, but we got to see
tigers swimming. I don't think I've ever seen one swim. That was pretty cool.
Next week we have a district activity and we are going to a themepark. I didn't
really realize how much missionaries could do on preparation days... I really
wish I could swim though. It is so hot and that would be so nice... I never
realized how much I love SWIMMING AND BOATING.
Well, it is time for us to get going. We are teaching English tonight. I have
kind of liked this last few weeks without teaching... oh well! Service and it
does bring blessings and investigators.
I love you all! And miss you all a lot--- and the mission is going to fast! Is
time flying for everyone else? I know mom can't get out of bed because she
misses me so much.... ha ha. Good luck with the little girls Halloween costumes.
I think it is so awesome you are so close to them and close to Laura and Meg.
Laura is going to need a little help pretty soon... how exciting!
Just wanted to let everyone know... Kate is pretty much the best. I can't got to
Chinatown with her and Steve... I'll show them how we barter in Chinese.
Sis Shaver
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