Wednesday, October 29, 2008
She's Home
Anna arrived in Boise last night at 9pm. She is happy, healthy and still pretty pumped up. We stayed up until the wee hours talking and then up to meet the Stake President at 7am for her release as a missionary. She has found housing at BYUI for the winter semester starting in January. We are now off to buy a pair of jeans at Target and get a TB test done. Thank you for all the prayers in her behalf. Sure is good to be able to hug her again.
She's Home!

Anna (Sis. Shaver) returned home safely last night from her 18-month mission in Taichung, Taiwan. She arrived at the Boise Airport at 9:00 p.m.

Morgan hadn't seen Anna since she was a couple months old, so she took a little getting used to.

She was anxious for some Mexican food after a year without it, so they took her right from the airport to Taco Bell. Nothing but the best after a year and a half =)

Anna remembered to come home bearing gifts.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008
October 21 Letter--The Last One-Ai Yo!
Hello Family!
I can hardly believe how fast time has gone. There won't be anymore e-mailing
from Taiwan... how crazy is that? It is pretty weird. I have been trying very
hard to not think about it and it doesn't quite seem real yet. I am sure it will
seem real only once I am on the airplane and maybe not even then.
We have had a good week. We had our two sisters we've been working with get
baptized and then another mom and daughter get baptized. The mom is so good! She
has read the whole gospel principles book. We only met her three weeks ago. She
was one of those souls that was so so prepared. So pretty awesome to see her and
her daughter get baptized. This coming while should be pretty quiet and go
really fast unfortunately.
On Saturday morning there is a self defense class we are going to go to with a
couple of investigators. I am excited for that... it has been awhile since I've
done anything like that. (Sidenote: the other day at lunch, we ate at a park
with swings. I tried swinging and it hurt my head. How boring am I?) So it
should be a lot of fun. And then on Sunday night is my going home fireside. I am
not too excited about that except that a lot of my new members and friends are
going to come! So that should be good to see all of them one last time...
probably will tug on a lot of heart strings. Hopefully, I'll keep it together.
So we pretty much have something from here on out to keep us busy. Should be
Well, I am so excited to see everyone- I can hardly wait! It seems so unreal! I
love you! Be good! See you in less than a week!
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
October 14 Letter--Hello
Hello family!
Things are so good here!
LIN XIU ZHU is baptized! And so are her two beautiful children! I have been
working with her since I first moved here to Zhunan and after more prayers,
tears and laughs than I have ever experienced before she is now on the path to
the Celestial Kingdom! I have told Sister Price she needs to make sure she stays
active. And keeps those kids in primary! Sister Price has willing accepted the
invitation so that makes me so so happy! The new members will be in good hands
with her.
We have a mom and a daughter and two more sisters who are going to get baptized
on Sunday. The Lord has really blessed us this move-call. I feel like He has
tried us in so many different ways that now He is just piling on the blessings.
I really have a strong testimony that you must sow before you can reap. We did
lots of sowing and we will have the opportunity to see ten people baptized in
this last move-call. What a blessing that is!
Wow, I think this is the hardest e-mail I have ever written. I don't really even
know what to say... it is weird.
They say when you don't know what to say as a missionary either bear testimony
about the Restoration or the Atonement. So maybe I will try that.
Aha! I know... we had district training meeting on Monday. My district leader,
Elder Bowen, asked me to speak about focus. (Don't worry, I learned a lot and am
a focused missionary... hehe) So as I began to write my talk, I wasn't really
sure where to start. So I started to think what is a focused missionary? And
then I thought of the section in Preach My Gospel (p 10-11) that says you will
know you are a successful missionary when... and then lists several different
bullet points. Three of them clearly stuck out to me as having a direct
correlation with focus.
The first one was developing Christlike attributes. Of course, you would have to
be focused to do that. How could you develop attributes of someone if you
weren't focused on them? Think of it this way... whenever we go on trips to
Minnesota, we all come home and Laura and mom always get on the Minnesota
accents. It is because they have been submerged in grandma and Aunt Gin and
Sharon speaking. And they naturally have picked up on it. The same is true with
developing Christlike attributes- if we submerged ourselves in studying,
learning, and living all about our Savior we would start to develop Christlike
attributes because of His Atoning Sacrifice. So the first thing we need to do is
to be so focused on the Savior so we start to develop Christlike attributes such
as patience, charity, hope, faith, knowledge, diligence, virtue, etc.
The second bullet point talks about working effectively... (sidenote: sorry I am
doing this all from memory so if it doesn't make sense just ignore it.) As we
work efectively, we have to be focused so that we can prepare, plan and act. If
we are just running around wasting time here and there it is probably because
there has been no thought as to the preparation, plan, goals, or actions to be
made and taken. So in order to be focused we must plan, prepare, set goals, and
act effectively.
The last bullet point talks about how we need to be anxiously engaged in a good
cause. I am pretty sure how everyone can see that that would be directly be
connected to being focused... so I will let you all think and draw your own
connections on how the two could possibly be related...
So I might add that this could apply to us as people as well... A focused person
is a successful person... and in order to be a successful person, we must 1.
develop Christlike attributes, 2. work effectively (that is found in the
planning, preparation, goal setting, and action), and 3. be anxiously engaged in
a good cause. Not sure if they made any sense to anyone... it does to me.
Hopefully, something made someone stop and think. And then let the Spirit teach
them more.
That is something I have learned a lot on my mission. What converts the people
isn't what we say, but it is what gets the person to stop and think and then
INVITES THE SPIRIT TO REALLY TEACH THEM and helps them to feel the truth. My
Chinese isn't any good, but the Spirit is better than good! So it all works out!
Well, I love you all and can hardly believe only one e-mail left.... ai yo!
Where is the time?
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
October 7 Letter--Hello!
Hello family!
Things are really good. This last week was fun and so so tiring! The Lord is
not giving me a second to get complacent or distracted. Poor Sister Price...
last night we didn't even get dinner! We ended up eating sweet potatoes when we
got home at nine. But it is good, we are seeing lots of miracles and trials...
wouldn't want it any other way.
Sunday we had a baptism. It is the little sister of my new member. So that was
exciting to see the two of them. The older sister is struggling a little bit, so
we are praying for her. But her little sister is great! She adds a little spark
to the primary!
I have made it a goal to baptize every week of the move-call. And it is looking
like we will do it. We have the sweetest little mom and two kids for next week.
Her husband is a loser. He just drinks and lays on the couch all day. It has
kinda made her a homebody and a little depressed. We have been meeting with her
since I moved here and she is making huge progress. Last night, we went over
there with the Elders and she got a blessing of comfort for her baptism and also
about her husband. It was a neat experience. I love that family so much. The
little boy's teeth are really bad. So he drools because he really can't help it.
He loves to give me hugs and he only comes up to about my waist. So right at my
waist there is always a little drool mark from his hugs. At first, I thought it
was a little gross, but now I LOVE IT! He has taught me a lot about charity. He
gets picked on because of the drooling yet he is the sweetest happiest little
boy ever. I don't even know how to explain how sweet he is. So they are next
week and then the next week is a mom and her daughter. When her son who is 7
found out he couldn't get baptized her cried! So they are pretty awesome too.
Full of lots of energy and will help the church a lot! So we are keeping busy
making sure they are all doing what they are supposed! It is pretty fun!
We had combined district meeting this week. That is where our whole zone is
together and then after we have interviews with President. He told me that in
three weeks I am going to a far far away distant land. Wasn't quite what I was
expecting him to say. And then he just talked a lot about how he is proud of
Sister Price and I this move-call, but since she is probably going senior next
move-call that we need to make sure we set up the next move-call for her. So we
decided we do a power week my last week. I am not sure what the times will be
yet, but probably out the door at like 7:00 and home at 11:00... sure to run me
right down into the ground! And Sister Price! YEAH! We are excited.
So good to hear from everyone.
Kate, that is so exciting about the temple. I haven't gotten to watch conference
yet. But I am sure excited for you. That makes such a difference and that is
just so awesome! You're pictures look like fun... I was confused at why there
weren't seas of black hair behind you.
Liz, thanks for the diligence in teaching Morgan who I am. Even if she thinks I
am Ali that is ok as long as she doesn't scream and cry every time she sees me.
Oh her little cheerleading outfit. I am sure that is just too cute! She sounds a
little like Ali strutting her stuff... is she more like Ali or Carrie? And Oct
31st sounds like fun!
Carrie and Ali, glad to hear you don't miss Nachos! Wouldn't want you to miss
Nachos! And we are going to Taco Bell! So get ready!
Laura, mom told me about Amos and the recorder... that is funny. He sounds too
cute. Can't wait to squeeze him. And then to hold the new one!
Mom, you think riding in the typhoon is bad... just wait till I get home! Then
you'll understand why you only heard about the typhoon... he he. And don't worry
I am in good good hands. And I am a little more responsible these days. (A.K.A.
I am old and can't ride my bike as fast so by default I am more careful.)
Dad, sounds like your little car is coming good. I am excited to see the
progress when I get home. When is your hunting trip?
Meg, I hope you are feeling better. And that your test went well. Being sick is
miserable... I have a good sick story to tell you when I get home... it includes
seeing lights and falling off of my bike.
Well, everything is good here. We are going to go to the morning market today
and then we are going to have a picnic on the beach with Sister Smith and her
companion. We are pretty excited. Just nice relaxing fun. Trying to get as much
energy back as possible. He he!
So that is all of the news I have here! Things are going well. Time is flying
and we are doing good!
I love you all!
Sister Shaver
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Pictures from Anna
The first one is me and the Chen family. Their mom is the one that was baptized in the hospital. They live in Miaoli which is really close to Zhunan so they come up a lot to see me. In fact, they are coming up today! Woot wo!

The one of the three sisters is at the temple. Those are the two sisters I came
on my mission with and will be going home with. So Sister Smith in front, Sister
Stenquist and me in the back!
The next one is Sister Price and I... aren't we cute.
The next one... Sister Price, me, Vincent, and Amy at their baptismal service!
Nothing better than hearing the running water of the font and people dressed in
Typhoon day... stuck inside... we weren't sure what to do with ourselves.
Calling dead stack for three hours needed a little break.
September 30--Good, good good!
Hello family!
Wow! This last week has been good. I am not sure why we are being so blessed or
why I have been so lucky as to be so busy! It is making time go way too fast,
but it is, also, not giving me a chance to get distracted. So it is bitter sweet.
We had Zone conference last week. I did my death speech. It went ok. I made it
through without crying, but then bawled through the closing song. We sing Army
of Helaman every single time. And they have gotten permission to change a couple
of words so it focuses on TAIWAN and NOW! So that hit me pretty strong. Gave me
the last little push I needed. It is only going to be now for a little while longer.
Amy and her son got baptized! And it was a good baptism. The only problem was on
Sunday there was a typhoon so we did not have church. So they had no way of
getting confirmed. So my companion and I got to thinking and were determined to
find a way for her and her son to get confirmed because well, Satan is real and
we didn't want him to have a weeks worth of tempting time. The Branch president
drives a car so he said it would be no problem to drive him their himself. But
he said we as missionaries would have to ride our bikes because their was no
room in his car. So Sister Price and I hoped on our bikes and began our trek. It
usually takes us about 30 minutes to ride from Zhunan to Toufen, but we decided
to give ourselves an hour and used every second of it! It was intense. We were
pedalling as hard as we could and were not moving. My SHOE got blown off of my
foot and flew across the intersection. It was fun. Well, we got the confirmation
done and then decided to head out to the church and just make calls inside
because well it seemed dangerous. So off we headed to the church.
We made it right to the Elder's intersection when I looked across the street and
saw people literally being blown right off their scooters. I didn't take this
into consideration before but that intersection is right off of the ocean so the
wind was moving. My companion and I quickly were hit by the wind and bailed from
our bicycles. We ended up just throwing our bikes on a hill and tried helping a
few people get their scooters stable. I could barely stand up the wind was so
strong. We ended up getting to the other side of the road and tucked into a
little flod on one of the buildings and decided to just wait it out there. We
saw a bumper get ripped off of a car when it turned and caught the wind. Well,
little to our knowledge the Elders were still in their apartment. So when they
came outside they only saw our bikes thrown up on the hill with all of our stuff
in it. And they started to flip out. We heard them yelling. And as they walked
towards us we realized it was not safe at all. It might have been the fact that
our zone leader couldn't stop and slammed into a pole. Or the fact that you
could lean forward and not fall over because the wind was so strong. So needless
to say we got on the phone with President Hoer and he told us to ge thome as
soon as possible. So the Elders ended up walking us home so we didn't fly away.
So this was our second typhoon in the last couple weeks. And you will never ever
believe this they say there is another one on the way!
We are going to go play with one of my new members today. She wants to take us
hiking. So I am pretty excited! So I am going to send another e-mail with some
pictures. And then I will talk to you later!
I love you all! I miss you!
Sister Shaver
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
September 24 Letter--Mom and Dad!
Wow, have fun at the Gator game. That sounds like so much fun! Fun that Steve
and Kate will come. Those two are funny. Sister Price spent time in Chennai,
India doing a creative writing program. They study the cultural and women and
then did writing assignments. I thought Steve and Kate would think that was
cool. You can tell them.
I hope you two are up for Taco Bell at 9:10 pm. Because I can tell you that we
are stopping on the way home from the airport! I WANT MEXICAN FOOD! I WANT SOUR
CREAM! I haven't had sour cream in 1 1/2 years! And I don't know why, but I
really am craving sour cream and Mexican food. I know how much you two love
Mexican food... he he. You should probably have ice cream and hot fudge waiting
too. Oh enough about food. I have been really good about not getting trunky. The
only thing that gets me trunky is food. I guess I am a Shaver through and
through. Can focus everything elsew, but my taste buds!
That is cool that I will get to talk at the same time that an Elder is going
out. That is a neat experience. We can make it all about MISSIONARY WORK! And
get everyone excited and going.
Well, hope you two are good! I love you. And can't believe how fast time is
going. A month and couple days! How is that possible? I know what you mean about
being sad and happy... it is such mixed emotions. Tears and tears.
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
September 24 Letter--Labor Day
Wow! This week has been amazing! This is probably my best move-call yet. At the
beginning of the move-call, I told Sister Price (I love her!) that I wanted to
make this my best move-call yet and it has turned into that and it is only the
middle of week 2!
There is an investigator here named Amy. She is an amazing woman. She comes to
church every week and brings her son. But she was in a really bad relationship
and came out of the marriage hating men. She has been coming to church for about
6 months. We met with her this week and had her son bear testimony to her about
how much he needed this church. After his testimony we told her we would be
referring her son to the Elders so he could get baptized before her because
well, he needed to get baptized. She said no. She hates men and likes women. We
said yes or her option was to have an interview with President Liu and be
baptized with Vincent. She did the interview and committed to everything. She is
willing to change everything. But she would not commit to baptize. We went over
to her house on Monday night and hit her pretty strong with scriptures! And told
her would we call tomorrow to see what time was better 7 or 7:30 for her
baptism. Well, Tuesday comes and I call her and she says no I am not going to be
baptized on Saturday.And then she goes on to say when is the earliest you can do
it? Well, because we had the temple trip today and tomorrow is zone conference
she and her son will be baptized on Friday night. So it should be a good
weekend. Friday night baptize and Sunday after church another baptism! I am so
I know that Heavenly Father is blessing me so much. My health hasn't been
better, my faith has been better, and I have never seen more miracles than this
move-call. Heavenly Father is really helping me achieve my goal of going out
running. Just wish I had a few more move-calls of this pace left! I'll just have
work really really hard! And not waste the blessings that Heavenly Father has in
Mom, today was our temple trip and I think that would be so good of you to offer
babysitting. I will babysit when I get home for them, but it won't be for
awhile. The temple today was an amazing experience. It gave me so much peace and
comfort. I am not going to lie I am terrified of coming home and it just gave me
the peace of mind that I needed. Before the mission, any serious choice I was
faced with I pretty much said, oh that doesn't matter I am going on a mission.
Now I am going to go home and not be able to have that little scape route. I am
going to have to be serious. Ha ha! No more playing except every other day. Baby
steps, right?
Funny story: my companion just dyed my hair and we decided we would come e-mail
while we are waiting for the dye to do its job. So we came into the e-mail store
and a girl was helping us. She casually said oh you are dying her hair. And then
the teenage boy standing next to her BURST OUT INTO HYSTERICAL LAUGHTER! He
thought that it was the funniest thing ever. So now I am sitting here in the
little cap e-mailing you all. And they all think it is so entertaining. So I
guess I haven't changed much! Still giving everyone a good laugh!
Tomorrow is zone conference and I am doing my death talk. I am not excited.
Every missionary that goes home gets to share a five minute talk at zone
conference. I have no idea what I am going to say! That isn't my idea of fun. I
will probably just bear my testimony. And call that good. Don't know if my
testimony will last five minutes though... probably a little shorter. My goal is
not to get handed the time card. So I will just have to talk extra fast and pray
for the translators! Translating is so so hard!
Well, we had another typhoon this week. It wasn't too bad. But funny story...
Sister Price and I were attempting to ride our bikes. We were being blown off
and barely moving forward. A man on a scooter passed us and yelled "HELLL-YO" at
us which is normal so we didn't think much of it. We kept pedalling and were
slowly making progress. We made it about five more houses and the scooter man
was standing out in the road with juice boxes. One in each hand with his arms
out. So as we rode by he yelled keep going and handed off these juice boxes to
us. So we got these free juice boxes! It probably was pretty entertaining to
watch! This Chinese man standing in the road with both arms out and these two
white girls ride by and grab juice boxes out of his hands... haha. I love the
Taiwanese people!
So I hope everything is good in the States. Everything is good in Taiwan. I am
excited to be a missionary! YEP!
I love you all!
Miss you!
Sister Shaver
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Here She Comes...
We got this email regarding Anna's return home this week:
It is our pleasure, at the request of the mission president, to send the flight itinerary for your returning missionary. Tickets will be issued about five weeks prior to travel and sent to the mission office. If you have any questions regarding this schedule, please call us as soon as possible at (801)or toll free at 1-800-.
Please note the booking reference to near the top of the itinerary. Using your missionary’s last name and the six character reservation confirmation number given on the itinerary(example: NKD4J5) you will be able to view the current schedule on the internet. Please use this website to review your missionary’s travel plans at any time.
Dear Parents:
It is our pleasure, at the request of the mission president, to send the flight itinerary for your returning missionary. Tickets will be issued about five weeks prior to travel and sent to the mission office. If you have any questions regarding this schedule, please call us as soon as possible at (801)or toll free at 1-800-.
Please note the booking reference to near the top of the itinerary. Using your missionary’s last name and the six character reservation confirmation number given on the itinerary(example: NKD4J5) you will be able to view the current schedule on the internet. Please use this website to review your missionary’s travel plans at any time.
Thank you,
LDS Church Travel Office
Anna will be arriving in Boise, ID at 9:10 p.m. on October 28th!
Monday, September 15, 2008
September 15 Letter--The Last Sprint!
Hello Family!
Ready... set... go! I am back in Zhunan with a new companion. Her name is Sister
Price. She is from Utah and she seems really nice. She has two younger sisters.
One is getting married in December. I think she is up for working hard and she
seems really sweet. I am excited. And ready to get things going. This last week
has been slow with my new short term and the typhoon... it just made a bad
combination. There were lots of tears on my short terms part. She didn't really
understand that the work doesn't stop for anything... not even a typhoon. So it
was just hard to keep her going. And it is hard when you yourself are struggling
and soaking wet and you just kinda need someone there who gets it and knows this
may not be fun, but it is what we do! So I am just excited for this next move
call and hope to make it the best one yet! So pray for me!
Wow, Ali's birthday party looks like fun. I cannot believe she is 8! That is
crazy! She is going to be getting baptized. How fun is that. And Amos is almost
one... man oh man! Time has gone by so fast. Thanks for all the pictures. Amos
eating apples was pretty cute. And weird to see Carrie so big and brave jumping
off the diving board all by herself! Not quite the same little girl. She is
getting old. Aren't we all though?
I think I am getting to be the oldest. I am almost a returned sister missionary.
I remember thinking they were so OLD! And now I am almost one... blah! Ha ha...
maybe I can just be a sister missionary forever. I don't think President Hoer
will let me stay...
Zhunan is good. I love my new members here. They really make everything all
worth it to me. We didn't have church on Sunday because of the typhoon. A couple
new members called and made sure we were ok. You would think it would be the
opposite way around... but nope! They really help me a lot. Seeing their change
and lights turning on is such an amazing experience. Everytime I begin to wonder
why am I riding my bike in the pouring rain with the wind blowing me backwards
or such I just think of a new member and it gives me that extra burst I need.
There really is a joy in missionary work that is hard to explain. Really being
able to see people making such big changes for the better is a humbling
experience. And really makes me want to change more. Sometimes I feel like I am
not keeping up with them, but then I remember everyone's time and change is
different. And that gives me comfort. I've learned to not get discouraged and
focus on myself more and then the changes can come.
I am really working on being nicer. I have been working on it my whole entire
mission and I think I am finally beginning to make some progress. Heavenly
Father's patience with me is amazing. I feel like I keep making the same
mistakes and He keeps forgiving me and keeps helping me. It is neat to see how
much He wants me to change. I have felt His love for me and really felt His
desire for me to be better. So pretty much, I hope you all can have the same
experience and can keep progressing and becoming better and better... just don't
get to far ahead of me... I am a little bit slower. And well we have a rule on
the mission we have to be in hearing/seeing distance. So make sure I am still
there. The other day I was talking to a member and she was telling me that
people who need to change the most go on missions because on a mission we learn
and change in a year and a half what it would take us to change 10 years in
life. So I guess she was trying to tell me I need to keep going! He he!
One thing I know has changed on my mission is my testimony. I want you all to
know that I KNOW Jesus is the Christ. I know He knows us. He knows what were are
going through and He knows how to help us the best that anyone could. I feel so
humbled to have felt Him by my side more than once on my mission telling me to
keep going and not to give up. He wants us to succeed more than anything. But He
knows for the success to be the most it can be there will still need to be
trials and hardships. And I know that these trials and hardships can be overcome
because of the Atonement of Jesus Christ. If we rely on the Lord and let Him
lead us He will! One of my favorite words in Chinese is yi ding (definitely) and
one of my least favorite words is bu yi ding (uncertain.) I want you to know
Jesus Christ yi ding knows who you are and knows what you need. We just need to
get on the same page. It isn't a matter of Him turning to our page as it is a
matter of us turning to His page. So start turning... =>! I love this Gospel. I
know that Joseph Smith is a prophet of God. That he literally saw God the Father
and His son, Jesus Christ. I know the Book of Mormon is the word of God. And can
give us all the answers we need in life. One of my favorite footnotes I have
come across on my mission is 2 Nephi 32:3 footnote d. It is talking about the
words of Christ can tell us all things what we should do. The footnote for tell
is problem solving. So right there in the scriptures we learn when ever there is
problem solving to be done we need to turn to the words of Christ (the
scriptures.) So once again start turning... =>!
Well, I am sorry this e-mail has been so here and there and everywhere. I hope
whoever needed whatever got it out of this e-mail!
I love you all and miss you! Keep going hard!
I love the church!
Sister Shaver
Thursday, September 11, 2008
September 9th Letter--Hello!
Hello everybody!
First things first, e-mail is on Monday next week because it is move-call
already. I still feel like I just moved to Zhunan. And it has been five weeks
Well, my favorite companion in the whole entire world went home on Monday. She,
Sister He, was short term for a week. She has only been baptized for a month
plus, but she was amazing. We just got along really well and had a lot of things
in common. It was kind of weird to see how much we had in common with our
backgrounds being totally different. She has decided to go on a full time
mission. She is going to work the next while and prepare for it. She still has
awhile until she can go, but I think it will be good for her to have time to
prepare. It was really neat to see her catch the vision of missionary work. She
probably has been the hardest working companion I have had. She gave everything
into every single one of her contacts. It was pretty inspiring for me. I needed
to see that excitement again. I might be getting old... and a little worn down.
So it was good to get some fire back!
We had a baptism on Saturday and it was pretty amazing. Her name is Suzy Xu. She
is about 45. She was so prepared to be baptized. She had met the church before
when she was a teenager, but had not been baptized. About a month ago, she had
been driving down the side of the road and saw the Elders. She quick asked them
where the church was and they told her. They asked her to write down her name
and number so we could call her and she said no and that she would see them at
church on Sunday. So the Elders didn't mention it to me, because, well, we hear
that a lot. She came to church on the Sunday and hasn't missed church or an
activity since. She loves the scriptures. She is the investigator that calls the
Book of Mormon the dictionary of love. She has really inspired me in my
scripture study! In her after baptism testimony, she talked about how she had
been challenged to be baptized and that night went home and opened up her
scriptures to 2 Nephi 31 where it is talking about Jesus's baptism and that
because of that experience she knew she needed to baptized. Pretty solid new
member. It is cool too because her son turns 8 on the 26 so he will be getting
baptized then too. And it counts as a ward baptism which is really good for the
ward! Exciting to be able to sit here and see the wards being built up!
Two weeks ago we had a baptism of three. One of them was a little girl. I am not
a big fan of baptizing children without their parents, but this little girl is
amazing. She comes to every activity and really has a strong testimony. She is
always talking about how when she goes on a mission. She rides her little bike
to church every week and it is not a quick little ride. After the baptism this
week, she was turning out of the church parking lot and got bumped by a scooter.
She is fine, but her bike broke. The handle bars snapped right off. She started
to cry right away and we were a little scared she was hurt. So we asked her how
she was and she was just shaking her head looking at me. And then buried her
little face in my Buddha belly. In between the sobs, she said how am I going to
get to church? (Sidenote: the ward/missionary relationships are not very good
here. And I have been working really hard on it, but hadn't seen much change.)
Then one of the members stepped in and said we will take your bike to get it
fixed and this week one of the members can pick you up. I could not believe.
This was the first time a member had helped us or one of our investigators! So
it is all because this little girl's dilligence in riding her little bike to
church and finding a place in the hearts of the members. So I am hoping that the
relationship just gets better and better from here on out. So Sister He and I
call it the miracle of the broken handle bars!
Well, we have a zone activity today. We are going to make pancakes and play
volleyball. I am not too excited, but it should be fine. One of those things
where once I get there it will be fun. It is just far away and I actually don't
know how to get there. So it should be interesting! After it, I am coming home
and SLEEPING! President Hoer has made a new rule that we can't take naps anymore
except for Preparation day. So today is my one day so got to make it worth it!
We used to take naps after planning session instead of eating lunch and then on
Sundays instead of eating lunch or dinner. It was like a mission thing, so this
is getting to be a new adjustment for all of us. Good for us... we can use that
time to eat and study now.
Well, I better get going! I love you all and miss you! Be good!
Sister Shaver
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
September 2nd Letter--Hello!
Hello family,
How are things going? Things are going well here. We had three precious souls
get baptized on Sunday! They were really good baptisms. The Spirit was so
strong. One was a mom of a new member. The new member is a 21 year old HUGE
Taiwanese man. I didn't think they existed until I met him. He has been a member
for a year. And has been sharing the Gospel with his mom the whole time. His mom
comes to church every week and everyone just assumed she was a member. So me
being naive and new in the area had no idea her situation--- at church two weeks
ago I asked when she had got baptized and she said oh I haven't. What!?!?! I
said well, when do you want to get baptized and she said next week. Well, we had
to set up baptismal interviews and so she had to wait one week. But she is
BAPTIZED NOW AND AMAZING! Her son gave her such a good example and she decided
to follow it. How exciting for their whole family. Happy day!
We have a another baptism service this weekend and I am really excited right
now. My new companion, Sister He, meet the missionaries 2 months ago and was
baptized a little less than a month ago. And it is amazing to see the miracles
we are seeing because of her new and fresh HUGE faith! I have to do most of the
teaching, but that is ok, because she relates so well to our investigators and
she can do the fellowshipping and really tell them she understands. I am a
little bummed because she goes home on Monday. Hopefully, my next companion will
be as cool and good. She reminds me a lot of someone... I haven't figured out
who yet. Maybe Meg.
Well, today one of my new members from Xinzhu is coming up to play with us
because well it is preparation day. I am excited. I am not sure what we are
going to do because well there is nothing in Zhunan. But I heard there is a
flower garden not too far away. So I think we will go over there. It should be
fun. I love seeing the members from Xinzhu. I am pretty sure the most part of my
heart is still there. So it is fun.
Wow, that is crazy how fast missionaries seem to come home and go out of your
ward mom and dad. Time seems to fly... ahh! We had a couple just get home from
their mission to China... it wasn't really a mission at all. They can't
proselyte and they couldn't even take their own copies of the Book of Mormon
with them. They just went, made friends, and then pretty much invited them to go
down to Hong Kong with them and then proselyted in Hong Kong. I can't even
imagine how hard that would be. Meeting a person and then telling them to go to
Hong Kong with you and not really telling them why. Those who did go must have
been so prepared and in tune with the Spirit to know to go with them. My mission
has been so blessed. It is has been hard, but not that hard. It has been hard in
different ways. But I wouldn't change it for anything. No nothing. I've learned
too much and learned so much more quickly. Quite the experience.
We had interviews with President Hoer on Monday after combined district meeting.
He stressed to me the importance of righteous goal and the greater importance of
having plans. And having the plans include what I am going to do and when I am
going to do it. He stressed the importance of having a specific time set. If
there is no time set it will never happen (for the most part.) So I am working
on better goal setting now. That is one thing that has hit me so hard on my
mission. I think I would have been able to do a lot more before the mission if I
had known the importance of goal setting. Glad I can have this chance to learn
and repent, so that I continue to set and achieve goals which leads to
progression! And can stopping wasting time. How much time I wasted before...
sometimes I think about before how lazy I was and wonder what I was doing...
Poor mom and dad. He didn't really say anything else in my interview. He did ask
how my English was coming... he he. Better jia you there! Not my Chinese, but my
English... I used to love to hear missionaries talk that just got home because
it was funny to listen to their English... ha ha. I think my last move call will
be an English speaker, so no need to worry.
Well, I love you all and miss you! Hope everything is going well. I love this
work. It is busy busy, but wouldn't want it any other way! I love this Gospel!
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Pictures from Anna
So, I am out of time... so I hope you can all figure out what they are. The one of me and the little girl is my favorite Taiwanese child ever... Oh my she is dear to me... Her mom named her English name Anna... but no one can guess why...If you have questions... ask me and I will let you know next week.

August 26-The Learning Continues and the Lord Prepares Us
Hello family!
Wow! This move-call has taken an exciting and different route. I absolutely
loved Sister Johnson and we have been very blessed in the work. In the next two
weeks, we have seven baptisms. So we have really been excited and on fire. About
three nights ago, I was praying and felt like Heavenly Father was preparing me
for something. I just felt that I was receiving extra love, peace, and
confirmation of my testimony. I got done praying and looked at Sister Johnson.
She was looking at me kinda wide eyed. I said, "what's going to happen?" and she
just shook her head.
Well, we went through the next day and had a busy day visiting all of our
beautiful investigators that we have been given the amazing opportunity to
teach. Nothing "bad" or "unusual" happened. We went home planned for the next
day. I went to bed that night anxious and my heart full of prayers. The next
morning we woke up and started our day. We went running came home at breakfast.
I had an amazing personal study. ( Sidenote: I am learning so much! I love the
Book of Mormon! It is so amazing and has such simple overwhelming power. One of
investigators calls it the dictionary to life. She's getting baptized on
So I was starting to feel like ok... Heavenly Father I am ready now. I am ready
for whatever Thou wilt have me do... the phone began ringing... the ring that no
one wants to hear... cuck koo cuck koo... It was President Hoer's ring! I
answered the phone with a shaky voice. He informed me that my companion was
going to be moving. And that I was needed to do a hard thing... shaking
voice.... "Ok, President." The whole time Sister Johnson is just staring at me
like what's going on. He told me that he knew that I was the Sister for the
job... sure I was thinking. He is just trying to make me feel better.
Well, it turns out there are three weeks left in the move-call and that I am
going to have four different short term missionaries for the rest of the
move-call. They are short a sister and they didn't know who else could do the
one man show and really did not want to have to close another sisters area. So
in other words the Lord is ready for me to rely on Him and he is going to make
me strong in my weaknesses, because I am feeling a little weak!
I really was not expecting this at all! It was a very sudden change. I have only
been in Zhunan for three weeks and am now expected to run the whole show and get
everything and more done. Pretty amazing that I know that I am entitled the
Lord's help and don't have to worry. The same scripture keeps coming into my
mind. Doctrine and Covenants 6:34-37. Fear not, little flock! I know that as I
remember the Savior and His Atoning sacrifice that I will be able to do it and
things will be just fine. As President Hinckley would say... Things will work
out. Or as President Monson would say... Be Strong, my young friends! So I am
excited and now this leaves me no time whatever to get distracted. I think the
Lord knew if I was doing things the easy way I would get distracted... so here
it goes!
So yesterday, I went down to the mission office to get my companion at 6:45 pm.
I was a little worried about how we would make it back home because we are about
a 2 hour train ride from the the mission home. And it was going to be a little
late for little missionaries to be out and on the streets. Well, we got to the
office and switched companions and President Hoer and Sister Hoer suggested that
they drive us home... I was thinking no way... a chance to be in the car an hour
with the Hoers! I am all for it. So my companion and I piled in the Hoer's car.
President Hoer was underneath the car tying her bike unto the car. It was really
interesting to see them as people doing everyday things. We get in the car and
just chatted the whole way. I find out all about Sister Hoer and how her family
calls her La La and what not. It was a neat experience. I am pretty thankful I
got to have that time with them. They are an amazing couple. And I know that
they are both so inspired of God. Even their small talk had a huge impact on me
and talked directly to what I needed to hear. So that was pretty exciting...
So now we are in Zhunan and I am getting Sister Huang all prepared for her five
days here as my companion. She seems excited. Her life before the mission was
all about missionaries. So now that she can have this opportunity it is pretty
cool. I am excited for her and excited she will get to participate in three
baptisms. What a blessing for her and a life changer. She is 30 years and just a
very pure soul. She wouldn't be able to do a full time mission or six week
mission for different reasons. So President Hoer really wanted to give her this
chance. So I am just along for the ride and trying to help her love missionary
work even more. So it should be good for both of us.
Warning though... my English is going to get very bad 24/7 Chinese doesn't help
English at all. So hope you can understand my e-mails.
Well, I am so glad to have gotten pictures from the Staycation and everything
else. It sounds like a good time. Hope everyone loved it. Kate, thank you for
the postcard! It is fun to think about you out in India. I am glad you are home
safe now. Liz, thank you for the picture of the girls back to school! They are
so cute. I am pretty sure they are huge now. Weird. Meg, hope going back to
school goes well. Study and play hard! I mean study hard and don't play at all!
Laura, are you alive?
Thank you for all your support... I need for awhile longer... so don't quit on
me... ha ha!
Remember the Lord is there and ready to help you. Moroni 7:33!
I am going to send this one and then try to send pictures on the next! I love
you all and miss you!
Sister Shaver
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
August 19 Letter--The Church Is True
Hello family!
Your prayers have been heard! I feel like a new woman! I had one day of rest and
three days of not pushing myself hard and now I feel so good. I was praying and
really thanking Heavenly Father for letting me be healed and having the energy
and strength back that I needed. And as I was praying I had an overwhelming
feeling that it was because of the prayers of loved ones. And I felt the need to
thank all of you for your prayers and to let each of you know that your prayers
were heard and answered!
Today was a good day. We went and hiked a little mountain and climbed through a
little rope course thing. I love Sister Johnson. She is so fun. She is a little
bit adventurous like I am and she supports me so well. She never questions me...
I say lets do this and she says ok! It is so nice. I am getting to be a little
bit of an older missionary and it just makes things so nice. She, also, is
really in tune with the Spirit and that has a helped our companionship a lot. We
both add to the companionship. She might actually be the first companion I have
who catches on to things faster than me. For example, yesterday after Sister
exchanges we ran and got on to our train and right as it started she looked at
me with big eyes as I looked at her with big eyes... we were on a train going
the wrong direction! Most of my other companions would have taken a little while
longer to catch on- probably wouldn't have caught on until the next stop to be
honest. So yeah, we quick got off the train at the next stop and headed back the
other direction... oops! So yes Sister Johnson is a quick one!
So this is a funny story... and when I say funny... it was gross! And pretty
hilarious... So I have this thing where I like to contact the grandma's. So we
were out tracting. And there was an old woman outside. She had just finished
eating and was using a toothpick to pick things out of her teeth. She had a
little less teeth than most people. So me trying to be a good missionary was
right next to her making eye contacting and really trying to get her involved
and excited. Right about then she found a big old chunk of food in her teeth. I
could see her struggling with getting it out and right about then things
clicked. I realized I am right next to her and if she gets that out... SPLAT! I
had been hit. I looked at my companion to calmly figure out where I had been
hit. My companion trying not to burst out keeps contacting the woman while I am
sitting there knowing there is a sick piece of food on my face, but have no idea
where it is. Right about this time the woman figures out what has happened so
she starts trying to wipe it off my face, but she can't get it. She ended up
smearing it all over my cheek! She kept saying sorry my eyes are bad. It was so
gross. The worst part was how embarassed the woman was. It took everything to
not burst out laughing at the whole situation. Once we got around the corner
there was laughing so hard that there was crying involved! So just thought I
would share an uplifting story with everyone. So watch out for grandmas with
This week has been a good week. Time is going too fast though. I guess that is
what happens when you love the work, the people, the companion, and almost the
area. I am still working on that =>. It is good for me. A little less fast paced
so I think that is good for my little body. I don't have three wards to cover
anymore. I am just not sure how to adjust to it yet. There have been a lot of
baptisms here in Zhunan in the last year. But 90% of them are inactive. I was
known for getting people to come back to church in Xinzhu so I think that is why
I have been moved here. So Heavenly Father using me as His little instrument can
help these people remember why they were baptized and when they were baptized
what they covenanted to. Every mission needs two types of missionaries. One that
baptizes the world and one that focuses on the retention! So as long as you
have the two you can see miracles of miracles... so right now we are blessed
with progressing investigators and four looking solid for baptism next week and
lots of miracles with inactives coming back to church! I just get so excited
when they come back to church and you can see them look happier. Of course, best
would be if they never left. So my challenge to you all is when there are new
converts in your ward FELLOWSHIP THEM! Missionaries come and go, but you'll be
there! So be their friend! They need it... change is hard and, well, joining the
church is a big big change! So enough on inactives!
I love you all! I am doing wonderful... so don't worry about me! I am getting to
the sprinting phase and my diet phase... only nine more days of eating
everything and anything... so if anyone wants to send packages... well... I love
you all!
Be good!
Sister Shaver
I know the church is true and that all true happiness comes from the Gospel! So
be happy!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
August 12 Letter--Hello...
Hello family!
The week has gone by fast. Being in a new place and knowing nothing really makes
time fly by. I really can't believe how fast time is going,
I have been a little sick these last few days. They are not sure what I have. I
woke up one morning with an awful rash. And had it for a few days and then
finally went to the doctor. He gave me a steroid cream and said it should go
away in three months... haha. Dad, he said it was pitiarysis rosea or something
like that... any suggestions for getting rid of it? So I decided to prepare
myself for that and that I would just have this itchy rash for awhile. Well,
about three nights ago, I just started to pour sweat. I have never sweated that
much before... and we were inside our cold apartment. Well, it turns out that
that was the start of 102 fever that I have had for the last few days. We had
zone conference yesterday so after zone conference we went to the doctor and he
gave me some medicine and said the fever should break in a few days. So we will
see. Pray for me! Having a fever is not fun! It really affects your thinking! I
feel pretty dumb these last few days. Poor Sister Johnson. She has been good
through it all!
Zone conference was awesome. We focused on our purpose and goal setting. It
really motivated me. Made me realize I need to set some new goals for the rest
of my mission. I can hardly believe that I have one zone conference left and at
the next one I will be sharing my reflections. President Hoer has such amazing
stories that really just lift and inspire. He told us that his success in life
is from having a goal with a vision and a plan of action. Made me realize how
important it is to set goals so that we can measure of level of progression. I
have a lot of progressing left to do and I could see if I didn't set some
specific goals for this last little while how easy it would be for it to just
come and go and never grow or change. That is just scary to think about!
Sister Johnson and I have been blessed to find some really amazing people here
in Zhunan and I think we will be blessed to see some mighty miracles and change
of hearts! I think Heavenly Father knows how bad we want to help and sees how
hard we are trying so He is making up for our weaknesses. I feel pretty humbled
this move-call. I really went from Xinzhu where I knew all the members (loved
them and loved me) and knew everything about the city. To a place where I know
no one and know nothing. I know that I am supposed to be here in Zhunan for a
reason. I am excited to be able to keep learning and growing. Wouldn't trade it
for anything. It would have been easy to stay in Xinzhu, but I wouldn't have had
to grow as much! So it is better this way!
I want you to all know that I know that the church is true. I know that Jesus
Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I know that He is our friend and is there for
us whenever we need Him. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem. I
know that Heavenly Father loves us and hears our prayers!
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Sister Smith is in Miaoli (next to Zhunan) these days so we are going to go play
together today! I am pretty excited. I love Sister Smith. She is the one that
went to BYU Idaho before her mission and is going to go there with me after. So
I have to get going!
I really love you all and miss you!
Keep working hard!
Monday, August 4, 2008
August 3 Letter--Where to begin...
Hello Family and others!
Well, I have a strong testimony that Heavenly Father hears and answers our
prayers. This week has been full of prayers of pleading and of gratitude.
My time in Xinzhu is over. And it was hard. I cried all day at church yesterday
and even had members crying. It was like I was leaving home again. But there
was a tender mercy in it. I just moved to Zhunan- which is right next door. And
I am companions with Sister Johnson- the one from Naples. So that is really
nice. And really nice because if I don't move my last move-call then I will
still do my going home fireside in Xinzhu! So all of my friends can come! And
that would be just awesome. I have been praying to love Zhunan and think it will
come. It is not a city like Xinzhu. It is a lot of rice fields and bamboo. There
are only two wards we cover! So that will be a nice break! It should be a little
less challenging than Xinzhu which should be good for my falling apart body...
te he! So I should really be able to excel and really focus on building up the
wards and the ward relationships! So it should be great!
Heva Moises was baptized yesterday and it was beautiful. The most beautiful
baptism I have ever seen. The Spirit was pounding on my heart. I don't think
anyone in the room would have missed it! It was amazing. Her brother was able to
do the baptism and confirmation and it was a very personal spiritual experience
for them. President Moises, his wife, Sister McKinley and I sang "Amazing Grace"
and it was powerful. I am not sure if it is the Argentine culture or what but
they sang out their hearts and it was beautiful. I felt so humbled by them and
the power of their testimonies. I was thinking about back before my mission and
how weak my testimony was... it still is growing, but being at that baptism
yesterday lit a new fire in me and made me just want to be better! Eric, Heva
wants me to go through the temple with her in a year in Argentina. You'll have
to come with me and be my translator so she doesn't miss anything translating
for me. Are you game? Mom and Dad, she wants to meet you. She thinks you must be
pretty amazing. She says she can't imagine how good my parents would have to
be... I asked her if she meant because you had to put up with me... She is
AMAZING! Meg, she said she added me to facebook so make sure you accept her and
President Moises.
Sun Yu Ling was, also, baptized this weekend. Her baptism was nice. The ward was
so on top of things. They already had her home and visiting teachers assigned so
they spoke. It was like immediately she felt loved and welcomed in the ward.
That is so amazing. She will really stay active and if she doesn't it isn't
because of the ward. That is so nice because a lot of the time the wards kinda
drop the ball. I think it is because so often people are baptized in three weeks
and we as missionaries first dropped the ball on making sure they have friends.
So I was so excited to see the Xinzhu first ward step up and take it over! I got
to introduce her and how we met her. That was fun and a little embarassing. She
said it was because I was so annoying she kept meeting with us and was able to
accept the Gospel. The whole ward laughed and I turned bright red! I guess,
whatever gets her back to Heavenly Father's presence. Right?
I am a little hmmm feeling right now. I am now on my tenth move-call. I never
thought the double digit would hit and now here it is. I feel like the Lord
moved me to Zhunan so I wouldn't get complacent and would keep progressing and
going strong. So keep praying for me! I pray for you all and love you!
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
July 29 Letter--Hello!
First things first... Next week e-mails will come on Monday, so if there is an
e-mail send it before MONDAY! Thank you!
This week has been amazing... we have been blessed to see so many miracles. With
have three solid baptisms this weekend! I am so so excited. I love each of them
so much and they each have a special story.
Story #1... Heva Moises... I have been meeting with her for four months plus
now. She is the Branch President's sister and has decided to be baptized. She is
from Argentina so English is her second language. And she didn't really start
progressing until she got a copy of the Book of Mormon in Spanish. When she
started to read it in her native language the Spirit really worked in her and
now she is ready to be baptized. ( I am learning to bear my testimony in Spanish
so I can bear it at her baptism. She doesn't know yet, so hopefully she will
like that.) It really just strengthened my testimony on what a blessing it is
for everyone to hear the Gospel in their own language. What a blessing... and it
made me pick up my Chinese language study more so I can give others a fair
chance to hear. Heva told us at our last meeting with her that she feels like
she is going to help the church in Argentina and she said it with the most
humble of humble feelings and left me so touched.
Story #2... Xiong Mei Hua... she is a little girl who just turned eight. Her
mother was a previous investigator who really needs the Gospel, but isn't
finding the faith or strength to change. Alice, the girl, often sleep outside of
her house at night because her mom is drinking and doing inappropriate things.
Alice is so happy and full of love. The first time I met her she hugged me and
told me she loved me which is unheard of for Taiwanese people. She has such a
strong testimony and because of her testimony she has a bright hope of the
future. I don't know how she does it... She doesn't know how to read yet and is
very neglected. But she has memorized I am a Child of God and Love at Home so
she can sing them when she is at church. She just has such a strong testimony
and I am so thankful for the Gospel and the hope it can give to all of us. Here
is a child with NOTHING... and NO ONE... yet she knows that Jesus is her friend
and that it will all work out. At the start of the move-call things were rough
and we would always jokingly quote the promise blessing that "All that is unfair
in this life will be made right through the Atonement," but Alice knows that
this is indeed a promised blessing from Heavenly Father and that it indeed will
be fulfilled and at the age of 8 only. What a humbling experience for me...
Story #3... Sun Yu Ling... Wow, she is amazingly prepared for the Gospel. She
has had a little bit of a rough spell. Her parents fight and blame it on her and
tell her that she has caused them to lose face. She is 35 and is still suffering
from things as a child. But she has progressed so much. The first time I met her
she was so quiet and very shy. She would get shaky and what not. Now she jokes
around with us, has friend at church, no longer shakes around people, and is so
GOOD! She tells me it is my fault because I am naughty, but in a good way.
Aka... I think she thinks I am annoying, but finds it endearing. I am sure no
one in my family knows would understand that at all. So she is being baptized on
Saturday and is so excited to get the Gift of the Holy Ghost on Sunday.
It is pretty amazing to see how the people here need the exact combination of
Sister McKinley and I so that they can truly feel of the Spirit. And they can
truly have an opportunity to accept the Gospel.
Dad, what part of the e-mail did you forward? Sister McKinley thinks that is the
best thing ever. She says that Pres Hoer is going to love that!
So things in Xinzhu are good. I am getting a little nervous that I will be
moving on Monday. I am not sure I am ready to leave Xinzhu, but I have been here
for 6 months now. It still feels like just yesterday I got here. If I do leave,
there will be tears and then a new excitement to be in a new place with new
people to find, teach, and baptize. And moving makes time go even faster... and
now I am getting to the Sprint phase... so we will see.
Well, I love you all. And pray for you everyday! Be strong! As President Monson
says, "my young friends, be strong!"
The church is true. The Gospel gives a hope for the future... but make the
future brighter by what you do today!
Sister Shaver
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