Hello family!
Wow! This move-call has taken an exciting and different route. I absolutely
loved Sister Johnson and we have been very blessed in the work. In the next two
weeks, we have seven baptisms. So we have really been excited and on fire. About
three nights ago, I was praying and felt like Heavenly Father was preparing me
for something. I just felt that I was receiving extra love, peace, and
confirmation of my testimony. I got done praying and looked at Sister Johnson.
She was looking at me kinda wide eyed. I said, "what's going to happen?" and she
just shook her head.
Well, we went through the next day and had a busy day visiting all of our
beautiful investigators that we have been given the amazing opportunity to
teach. Nothing "bad" or "unusual" happened. We went home planned for the next
day. I went to bed that night anxious and my heart full of prayers. The next
morning we woke up and started our day. We went running came home at breakfast.
I had an amazing personal study. ( Sidenote: I am learning so much! I love the
Book of Mormon! It is so amazing and has such simple overwhelming power. One of
investigators calls it the dictionary to life. She's getting baptized on
So I was starting to feel like ok... Heavenly Father I am ready now. I am ready
for whatever Thou wilt have me do... the phone began ringing... the ring that no
one wants to hear... cuck koo cuck koo... It was President Hoer's ring! I
answered the phone with a shaky voice. He informed me that my companion was
going to be moving. And that I was needed to do a hard thing... shaking
voice.... "Ok, President." The whole time Sister Johnson is just staring at me
like what's going on. He told me that he knew that I was the Sister for the
job... sure I was thinking. He is just trying to make me feel better.
Well, it turns out there are three weeks left in the move-call and that I am
going to have four different short term missionaries for the rest of the
move-call. They are short a sister and they didn't know who else could do the
one man show and really did not want to have to close another sisters area. So
in other words the Lord is ready for me to rely on Him and he is going to make
me strong in my weaknesses, because I am feeling a little weak!
I really was not expecting this at all! It was a very sudden change. I have only
been in Zhunan for three weeks and am now expected to run the whole show and get
everything and more done. Pretty amazing that I know that I am entitled the
Lord's help and don't have to worry. The same scripture keeps coming into my
mind. Doctrine and Covenants 6:34-37. Fear not, little flock! I know that as I
remember the Savior and His Atoning sacrifice that I will be able to do it and
things will be just fine. As President Hinckley would say... Things will work
out. Or as President Monson would say... Be Strong, my young friends! So I am
excited and now this leaves me no time whatever to get distracted. I think the
Lord knew if I was doing things the easy way I would get distracted... so here
it goes!
So yesterday, I went down to the mission office to get my companion at 6:45 pm.
I was a little worried about how we would make it back home because we are about
a 2 hour train ride from the the mission home. And it was going to be a little
late for little missionaries to be out and on the streets. Well, we got to the
office and switched companions and President Hoer and Sister Hoer suggested that
they drive us home... I was thinking no way... a chance to be in the car an hour
with the Hoers! I am all for it. So my companion and I piled in the Hoer's car.
President Hoer was underneath the car tying her bike unto the car. It was really
interesting to see them as people doing everyday things. We get in the car and
just chatted the whole way. I find out all about Sister Hoer and how her family
calls her La La and what not. It was a neat experience. I am pretty thankful I
got to have that time with them. They are an amazing couple. And I know that
they are both so inspired of God. Even their small talk had a huge impact on me
and talked directly to what I needed to hear. So that was pretty exciting...
So now we are in Zhunan and I am getting Sister Huang all prepared for her five
days here as my companion. She seems excited. Her life before the mission was
all about missionaries. So now that she can have this opportunity it is pretty
cool. I am excited for her and excited she will get to participate in three
baptisms. What a blessing for her and a life changer. She is 30 years and just a
very pure soul. She wouldn't be able to do a full time mission or six week
mission for different reasons. So President Hoer really wanted to give her this
chance. So I am just along for the ride and trying to help her love missionary
work even more. So it should be good for both of us.
Warning though... my English is going to get very bad 24/7 Chinese doesn't help
English at all. So hope you can understand my e-mails.
Well, I am so glad to have gotten pictures from the Staycation and everything
else. It sounds like a good time. Hope everyone loved it. Kate, thank you for
the postcard! It is fun to think about you out in India. I am glad you are home
safe now. Liz, thank you for the picture of the girls back to school! They are
so cute. I am pretty sure they are huge now. Weird. Meg, hope going back to
school goes well. Study and play hard! I mean study hard and don't play at all!
Laura, are you alive?
Thank you for all your support... I need for awhile longer... so don't quit on
me... ha ha!
Remember the Lord is there and ready to help you. Moroni 7:33!
I am going to send this one and then try to send pictures on the next! I love
you all and miss you!
Sister Shaver
Hello family!
Your prayers have been heard! I feel like a new woman! I had one day of rest and
three days of not pushing myself hard and now I feel so good. I was praying and
really thanking Heavenly Father for letting me be healed and having the energy
and strength back that I needed. And as I was praying I had an overwhelming
feeling that it was because of the prayers of loved ones. And I felt the need to
thank all of you for your prayers and to let each of you know that your prayers
were heard and answered!
Today was a good day. We went and hiked a little mountain and climbed through a
little rope course thing. I love Sister Johnson. She is so fun. She is a little
bit adventurous like I am and she supports me so well. She never questions me...
I say lets do this and she says ok! It is so nice. I am getting to be a little
bit of an older missionary and it just makes things so nice. She, also, is
really in tune with the Spirit and that has a helped our companionship a lot. We
both add to the companionship. She might actually be the first companion I have
who catches on to things faster than me. For example, yesterday after Sister
exchanges we ran and got on to our train and right as it started she looked at
me with big eyes as I looked at her with big eyes... we were on a train going
the wrong direction! Most of my other companions would have taken a little while
longer to catch on- probably wouldn't have caught on until the next stop to be
honest. So yeah, we quick got off the train at the next stop and headed back the
other direction... oops! So yes Sister Johnson is a quick one!
So this is a funny story... and when I say funny... it was gross! And pretty
hilarious... So I have this thing where I like to contact the grandma's. So we
were out tracting. And there was an old woman outside. She had just finished
eating and was using a toothpick to pick things out of her teeth. She had a
little less teeth than most people. So me trying to be a good missionary was
right next to her making eye contacting and really trying to get her involved
and excited. Right about then she found a big old chunk of food in her teeth. I
could see her struggling with getting it out and right about then things
clicked. I realized I am right next to her and if she gets that out... SPLAT! I
had been hit. I looked at my companion to calmly figure out where I had been
hit. My companion trying not to burst out keeps contacting the woman while I am
sitting there knowing there is a sick piece of food on my face, but have no idea
where it is. Right about this time the woman figures out what has happened so
she starts trying to wipe it off my face, but she can't get it. She ended up
smearing it all over my cheek! She kept saying sorry my eyes are bad. It was so
gross. The worst part was how embarassed the woman was. It took everything to
not burst out laughing at the whole situation. Once we got around the corner
there was laughing so hard that there was crying involved! So just thought I
would share an uplifting story with everyone. So watch out for grandmas with
This week has been a good week. Time is going too fast though. I guess that is
what happens when you love the work, the people, the companion, and almost the
area. I am still working on that =>. It is good for me. A little less fast paced
so I think that is good for my little body. I don't have three wards to cover
anymore. I am just not sure how to adjust to it yet. There have been a lot of
baptisms here in Zhunan in the last year. But 90% of them are inactive. I was
known for getting people to come back to church in Xinzhu so I think that is why
I have been moved here. So Heavenly Father using me as His little instrument can
help these people remember why they were baptized and when they were baptized
what they covenanted to. Every mission needs two types of missionaries. One that
baptizes the world and one that focuses on the retention! So as long as you
have the two you can see miracles of miracles... so right now we are blessed
with progressing investigators and four looking solid for baptism next week and
lots of miracles with inactives coming back to church! I just get so excited
when they come back to church and you can see them look happier. Of course, best
would be if they never left. So my challenge to you all is when there are new
converts in your ward FELLOWSHIP THEM! Missionaries come and go, but you'll be
there! So be their friend! They need it... change is hard and, well, joining the
church is a big big change! So enough on inactives!
I love you all! I am doing wonderful... so don't worry about me! I am getting to
the sprinting phase and my diet phase... only nine more days of eating
everything and anything... so if anyone wants to send packages... well... I love
you all!
Be good!
Sister Shaver
I know the church is true and that all true happiness comes from the Gospel! So
be happy!
Hello family!
The week has gone by fast. Being in a new place and knowing nothing really makes
time fly by. I really can't believe how fast time is going,
I have been a little sick these last few days. They are not sure what I have. I
woke up one morning with an awful rash. And had it for a few days and then
finally went to the doctor. He gave me a steroid cream and said it should go
away in three months... haha. Dad, he said it was pitiarysis rosea or something
like that... any suggestions for getting rid of it? So I decided to prepare
myself for that and that I would just have this itchy rash for awhile. Well,
about three nights ago, I just started to pour sweat. I have never sweated that
much before... and we were inside our cold apartment. Well, it turns out that
that was the start of 102 fever that I have had for the last few days. We had
zone conference yesterday so after zone conference we went to the doctor and he
gave me some medicine and said the fever should break in a few days. So we will
see. Pray for me! Having a fever is not fun! It really affects your thinking! I
feel pretty dumb these last few days. Poor Sister Johnson. She has been good
through it all!
Zone conference was awesome. We focused on our purpose and goal setting. It
really motivated me. Made me realize I need to set some new goals for the rest
of my mission. I can hardly believe that I have one zone conference left and at
the next one I will be sharing my reflections. President Hoer has such amazing
stories that really just lift and inspire. He told us that his success in life
is from having a goal with a vision and a plan of action. Made me realize how
important it is to set goals so that we can measure of level of progression. I
have a lot of progressing left to do and I could see if I didn't set some
specific goals for this last little while how easy it would be for it to just
come and go and never grow or change. That is just scary to think about!
Sister Johnson and I have been blessed to find some really amazing people here
in Zhunan and I think we will be blessed to see some mighty miracles and change
of hearts! I think Heavenly Father knows how bad we want to help and sees how
hard we are trying so He is making up for our weaknesses. I feel pretty humbled
this move-call. I really went from Xinzhu where I knew all the members (loved
them and loved me) and knew everything about the city. To a place where I know
no one and know nothing. I know that I am supposed to be here in Zhunan for a
reason. I am excited to be able to keep learning and growing. Wouldn't trade it
for anything. It would have been easy to stay in Xinzhu, but I wouldn't have had
to grow as much! So it is better this way!
I want you to all know that I know that the church is true. I know that Jesus
Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. I know that He is our friend and is there for
us whenever we need Him. No matter how small or insignificant it may seem. I
know that Heavenly Father loves us and hears our prayers!
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver
Sister Smith is in Miaoli (next to Zhunan) these days so we are going to go play
together today! I am pretty excited. I love Sister Smith. She is the one that
went to BYU Idaho before her mission and is going to go there with me after. So
I have to get going!
I really love you all and miss you!
Keep working hard!
Hello Family and others!
Well, I have a strong testimony that Heavenly Father hears and answers our
prayers. This week has been full of prayers of pleading and of gratitude.
My time in Xinzhu is over. And it was hard. I cried all day at church yesterday
and even had members crying. It was like I was leaving home again. But there
was a tender mercy in it. I just moved to Zhunan- which is right next door. And
I am companions with Sister Johnson- the one from Naples. So that is really
nice. And really nice because if I don't move my last move-call then I will
still do my going home fireside in Xinzhu! So all of my friends can come! And
that would be just awesome. I have been praying to love Zhunan and think it will
come. It is not a city like Xinzhu. It is a lot of rice fields and bamboo. There
are only two wards we cover! So that will be a nice break! It should be a little
less challenging than Xinzhu which should be good for my falling apart body...
te he! So I should really be able to excel and really focus on building up the
wards and the ward relationships! So it should be great!
Heva Moises was baptized yesterday and it was beautiful. The most beautiful
baptism I have ever seen. The Spirit was pounding on my heart. I don't think
anyone in the room would have missed it! It was amazing. Her brother was able to
do the baptism and confirmation and it was a very personal spiritual experience
for them. President Moises, his wife, Sister McKinley and I sang "Amazing Grace"
and it was powerful. I am not sure if it is the Argentine culture or what but
they sang out their hearts and it was beautiful. I felt so humbled by them and
the power of their testimonies. I was thinking about back before my mission and
how weak my testimony was... it still is growing, but being at that baptism
yesterday lit a new fire in me and made me just want to be better! Eric, Heva
wants me to go through the temple with her in a year in Argentina. You'll have
to come with me and be my translator so she doesn't miss anything translating
for me. Are you game? Mom and Dad, she wants to meet you. She thinks you must be
pretty amazing. She says she can't imagine how good my parents would have to
be... I asked her if she meant because you had to put up with me... She is
AMAZING! Meg, she said she added me to facebook so make sure you accept her and
President Moises.
Sun Yu Ling was, also, baptized this weekend. Her baptism was nice. The ward was
so on top of things. They already had her home and visiting teachers assigned so
they spoke. It was like immediately she felt loved and welcomed in the ward.
That is so amazing. She will really stay active and if she doesn't it isn't
because of the ward. That is so nice because a lot of the time the wards kinda
drop the ball. I think it is because so often people are baptized in three weeks
and we as missionaries first dropped the ball on making sure they have friends.
So I was so excited to see the Xinzhu first ward step up and take it over! I got
to introduce her and how we met her. That was fun and a little embarassing. She
said it was because I was so annoying she kept meeting with us and was able to
accept the Gospel. The whole ward laughed and I turned bright red! I guess,
whatever gets her back to Heavenly Father's presence. Right?
I am a little hmmm feeling right now. I am now on my tenth move-call. I never
thought the double digit would hit and now here it is. I feel like the Lord
moved me to Zhunan so I wouldn't get complacent and would keep progressing and
going strong. So keep praying for me! I pray for you all and love you!
Wo ai nimen!
Sister Shaver