Wednesday, June 4, 2008

About 6 months left

Anna has about six months left in Taiwan, she is working hard and having good success finding people ready to be taught. We received a letter from her Mission President, Pres. Hoer, telling us to not distract her from the work with thoughts or home and planning for her return. We are supposd to do all the arrangements for her university registration, etc.

He also reminded us again that the Church strongly discourages picking up missionaries in the field. In Taiwan the members all want to host lavish dinners for the missionary and her family and it is a financial burden. Having family coming disrupts the missionary's focus on work and finally, having a released missionary touring the mission disrupts the companionships. It seems reasonable to me, I would like to go to China and Taiwan someday though.

I have noticed Anna mention in her emails that she feels our prayers of support, I had prayed that she would feel our love so this is an answer to my prayers. Here is a list for Mom and I of what she needs from us:

"As for things I need before I go home...
1. Invite and see twenty more souls come unto Christ through the waters of baptism.
3. lose about ten-fifteen pounds... not sure how that is going to work out... see above, but do notice that sour candy is in higher priority.
4. Crest white strips... I want to come home with some pearly whites... not dingy yellows.
5. Feminine products... I just ran out and probably will have four more while her in Taiwan. And there is really no place to buy them! AHH.
6. Lots of love! included in the form of prayers! letters. packages. He he.
7. Garments, but not for here. To have at home so when I get home I have clean ones.
8. My build a bear or stuffed animal of the similar. Need something to hug that has hugged by you all.And I think that is it.

Just thoughts, so if it happens it happens, if not no worries. "

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