Monday, June 11, 2007

Letter from the MTC 6/11: If I Could Pick One Apostle...

If I could pick one apostle to come to the MTC and speak it would be Elder
Eyring. Guess what?!? My wish came true. Elder Eyring came and spoke to us this
week. It was amazing. We were in the huge gym and the slide for tonight's
speaker came up and it was Elder Eyring. I was thankful I was early and singing
in the MTC choir so I had a good seat! When he walked into the gym, I
immediately was brought to tears because I could feel the Spirit fill that
gigantic room just by the power of one man. He is an apostle of God. I know this
is true! His message to us was amazing. He focused on hope and the relationship
between charity and faith. I wish I had the time to write out everything I
learned in his talk, but I am afraid my timer currently says 22:17. I don't know
if those talks are available on, but I invite all of you to take a
little bit of time and read the talk. And after you have done that, I know you
will want to study it because of the Spirit you will feel. Elder Eyring is an
amazing man- he is so humble and full of love and hope. Dad, he's a worrier! He
was afraid he was going to be late to the MTC because the traffic was so bad. It
was funny because he then told us here I was having no hope (even though I had
prepared and left early) and was going to the MTC to speak to the missionaries
about hope. Pretty powerful testimony of humility. One thing that really stood
out to me was he said "surprises aren't surprises to God." Imagine that! He,
also, talked about being resurrected in the morning of the 1st resurrection and
being able to live with God and Jesus for 1000 years! Wow, that is pretty
awesome. Seriously if you can READ IT! And if not you'll have to wait a little
while and I can share my notes with you from it then!

So that was pretty awesome to have Elder Eyring here, but it was even more
amazing when we walked into the cafeteria yesterday and Elder L Tom Perry,
Richard G Scott, and Russel M Ballard were just sitting eating in the cafeteria
like it was no big deal! No big deal! L Tom Perry is so tall! I had no idea. It
was amazing the Spirit that filled the cafeteria as we ate lunch knowing that
they were there eating with us too. I don't think one person cut in line or one
sister carried her tray to the garbage! It was amazing!

I know my thumb is going to be ok. The MTC people are very intense. No joke if
you stumble walking and someone sees you are immediately taken to the Health
Center to make sure everything is ok. It is annoying sometimes. And they give
everyone walking casts- don't worry I don't have one of those. But I seriously
have never seen so many in my life!

I know the church is true!I love this Gospel and the joy it brings to people's
lives. I know that we are so blessed to have it in our lives. And I know that
were much is given much is required. I am glad I can give back a little of what
I have been given!

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