Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Anna's day to travel and call.

I was at work today, thinking Anna might call from Salt Lake airport, around noon, or else from LA airport, about 4 or so. I called Mom to test the three way system and to see if my direct line to my office worked. Everything was ready. I ate in my office until people kept bugging me so I hid in the back with my cell phone. No noontime call. I had a biopsy scheduled at three, she went to her doctor's office so was late, and I was just needling her at four pm when my cell rang, I snappd out four quick cores and called Cindy's cell to tell her to try again. Luckily it worked and we had Anna on with us. She talked only of her missionary plane experiences with me. We didn't talk about anything I am doing, she is centered on her work and duty. I think she will have a great mission and come home with experience and wisdom.

1 comment:

Kate said...

It was great to talk with Anna. She seems VERY excited to get to Taiwan. I asked her what her what she liked best about the MTC, and she relayed two meetings with apostles, Elder Eyring and Elder Uchtdorf. She heard from 6 total apostles while she was in the MTC. I think she was also impressed at how quickly she learned the language. She said she can understand a lot of it. She relayed that one missionary in the MTC got only one letter while they were there... I guess that is a reminder for us to keep writing!

Thanks for coordinating the call Mom!