Monday, May 12, 2008

May 6 Letter--Still In Limbo!

Hello all!

I am still in limbo and am getting pretty good at it these days. My duan chuan
was redy to go home and went home a week early. I think she was physically and
spiritually exhausted and needed a rest. I think she was by far my hardest
companion ever and probably the hardest thing I have and ever will do in my
life. But I can say that I love her and learned the most during my five weeks
with her! So now here is where the limbo comes in. I have a companion right now.
Her name is Sister Paras. She is the first Phillipina sister missionary to come
to the Taiwan Taizhong mission. She was in the MTC when her visa had problems
and so she had to come to Taiwan a week early- which happened to be the same day
my companion went home. Seeing the Lord's hand? So right now, I am training, but
not training Sister Paras. She will find out who her trainer is on Saturday and
I will have a new companion for three days and then find out who mine really is
on Monday. So pretty much that puts this move-call with seven different
companions (not including sister exchanges.) It is a little hard, because right
when things click they are gone. I am thankful for the most part we have our
companion for at least six weeks, so you really can work together and really
feel the Spirit working with you as a companionship. I have a strong testimony
of companionships. They make all the difference.

This week has been fun. Sister Paras has had a lot of firsts with me here in
Xinzhu. Her first time riding an escalator. She was terrified... had tears in
her eyes and all. I thought it was pretty endearing. And a little like it is
just an escalator... maybe I know how you all were before... it is just a
"basement." Her first time making cupcakes... we don't have an oven so it was
quite the experience. We ended up having to go to the church and doing it there.
And the biggest first.... RIDING A BIKE! I never even thought of that. So we
spent a good hour or two teaching her how to ride a bike. It was pretty funny.
Here is me holding on to the handling bars running next to her with quite the
crowd gathering. She crashes almost everytime we ride which is like ALL THE
TIME! When we were riding she was so happy and just saying yeah, I can. She
doesn't really speak English or Chinese so our communication is interesting.
That night when we got home she asked me "your legs are mine?" Huh? Then I
looked at her legs they were bruised and bleeding. She never once complained.
She is seriously so stinking humble. I know nothing about being humble I have
learned. She amazes me with her faith and her love. She loves the people and
they know it. It is not through words that they know it is all through smiles,
hugs, and feelings. I think she was sent here to be my companion this week so
she could rekindle my fire and help me remember what I was like when I came on
island. I am getting to be an old missionary and needed that boost! I think she
might just be my favorite companion. Everyone pray that I can be her trainer so
she doesn't leave me--- if it is the Lord's will. He seems to know a lot more
about Sister Shaver then Sister Shaver knows about herself.

Last move-call I felt like I was being tried beyond that which I could handle,
but the Lord knows and really doesn't try us beyond that which we can handle! He
knows us. He knows our abilities. He knows our limitations and weaknesses. And
He knows all things are possible as we rely on Him! I am not at the point were I
really can talk about last move-call yet, but one day I will be able to and be
able to understand more so. But right now, I know that the Lord expects so much
more of me. And that I need to pick it up and really come unto Him. I need to
really do EVERYTHING I CAN despite everything else! President Hoer said he
really believes the Lord is preparing me for something. And I am pretty sure He
is too. I hope I just am humble and ready. And will hit it full speed ahead!

My most exciting news... I don't know if anyone remembers, but before I had
mentioned about our investigator from the Phillipines named Sally. I mentioned
how she had fasted to be able to come church and she came. Well, the story
continues. She has been doing everything she could and has been progressing like
none other! She has read all of the way to 3 Nephi 24 as of last night. And is
going to be baptized on Sunday after church. I don't think I have ever been so
excited... well, besides my other friends being baptized and confirmed. Sister
Sally is amazing and is so ready to be baptized. She is probably one of the most
prepared souls I have been so lucky as to teach. She seriously has faith to work
wonders. I know no one really understands, but for a phillipina to get work off
here in Taiwan is unheard of! Like it doesn't happen, but she never gave up. She
believed 1 Nephi 3:7 and knew the Lord would provide. It was also so apparent
how she knew the Lord had His timing and she never once let that discourage. She
just knew she had to do all she could. For the last 3 months she has read the
Book of Mormon everyday except for one. On the day she didn't read it she ended
up getting a cyst on her eye the next morning and says she will never miss
another day. I completely believe her and don't think she will ever miss another
day. There is just something so special about her. Oh so special! So we are
going to have a beautiful baptism here in the English Branch which is the first
in a year! We all are pretty excited about that, but not as excited as the
Branch president. I wish all the Bishops and Branch Presidents were like him.

Well, I think my e-mails are getting longer and longer... seriously, I hope
everyone has time to read it. Short ones might be better, but I am just having
to many amazing experiences to not share... he he.

Sidenote: when I woke up this morning, I told Sister Paras that I wanted
pictures today in my e-mails. I don't know why, just wanted to see everyone. And
every single state pulled through! Utah, Idaho, and Philadelphia! So thank you!
An answer to my little plead! P.S. Penny and Amos are cute... And way to go
Laura sliming the Steve Mobile... Steve way to respond... just like the time I
spilled oh so many ounces of coke in Kate's car... he he. And Morgan happens to
be so cute... is she chubby? or is it just I am used to tiny little babies here.
Her cheeks look so cute... I kinda want to poke them. And everyone's blue eyes
are blinding... not quite like the dark brown ones here. Mom and Meg look
good... I think Meg's hair is different everytime I see pictures of her. Is it
purple now? Glad you are enjoying each others company. Keep praying for each

My timer just flashed... so time to get going. I will call on Monday morning...
I think mom said she had an activity on Sunday night, so I am scared I am going
to miss her. And thinking about that makes me sick. So MOM MAKE SURE YOU ARE
14 hours apart. So if I call at 8 or 9 or 10am it will be either 6 or 7 or 8 pm.
I will shoot for the 10 o'clock, but it might need to be earlier depending on
move-call and my new companion! It might actually be best if I call at 7 which
would be five o'clock your time. If I call and not everyone is home... don't
answer and I will try every so often until you answer because Monday next week
is preparation day... which also means I probably won't e-mail for a week...
depending on my companion.

I love you all and miss you!

Sister Shaver

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