Wednesday, July 9, 2008

July 9 Letter--Yali hao da! Aka Pressure to big!

Hello family,

I am having some computer wentis right now. I sent a blank e-mail, just deleted
my whole e-mail. So here is to attempt three....

This week has been really good. We have some awesome investigators right now.
Tons of good good ones. Last night, Heva, our investigator from Argentina, had
her baptismal interview... She passed and is preparing to be baptized on July
29th which happens to be her brother's birthday who is the English Branch
President here. She has moved here to stay with them these few months because
President Moises wife is about to have a baby and needs help. She is amazing.
She understands so much and really is one who will stay active forever! What an
awesome thing and amazing feeling to be able to see her come to the light. It is
neat to see her progression and neat to see how excited her brother is. He is
really really excited for her. So she is AMAZING!

And then we have a family who will be baptized if it is the last thing I do! I
will do anything for them... They are the Fan Jiang family. They both smoke and
need the Gospel so bad. They have six kids and she is only 23 years old.
Yesterday we helped them move into a new house. They are kinda of getting a new
start and I am so excited the Gospel is there to help them in this new start.
Their family relations before were really bad, but they have been coming to
church for the last month and have progressed so much. The children before
weren't able to live with the mom and dad, but they are getting them back in a
month depending on how everything goes in their new house and everything along
those lines. Yesterday as we were meeting with them we were promising them
blessings of being able to live together as a family for eternity. And promsing
the mom the blessings of being able to be a mother to her children and how their
family can be blessed through the Gospel. The mother cried (Taiwanese people
DON'T cry) and really felt the Spirit. So yes, they have a lot of problems to
work through, but with God all things are possible. And I will not give up on
them! So much prayers needed.

Sister McKinley and I went to play basketball this morning with other sisters
and it was so fun. I am so bad these days. I feel old and heavy! I don't think
my feet every left the ground at the same time. Hmm... need to work on that. And
then after that we went and ate BBQ for two hours... they have restaurants here
where you just go and there is a little grill on your table and you just sit
there and cook all the meat you can in two hours and EAT IT! It seriously is so
good. And I wonder why I my feet never left the ground. And then they have
marshmellows you roast on it too... and sweet potatoes, and vegetables... so so
good. YUMMY! So today I got my fair share of meat! And am pretty excited for it.
It will give me the energy to run wild all over Xinzhu.

Poor Sister McKinley... I don't think she realized what she was getting herself
into. I asked her our first day together what she was willing to do to help our
investigators... little did she know she would have to do that and more. Our
area is HUGE. from one end to the other you normally need about 3 hours to bike
it and that is keeping a pretty good pace... well, yesterday, we had an hour to
do it. And we met every trial you could. As we were riding, Sister McKinley had
three spokes break on her bike and her bike breaks got stuck out! She never once
told me... I was flying up the hill and she was getting a little behind me, but
I didn't think much of it, because it was a do situation. She got to the point
where I had to stop and wait for her, but at this point we've already riden up
the big hills (bigger than Hawkins and longer.) So she gets up to the top and is
barely breathing and pouring sweat... and I say ok lets go... she smiles and
says ok... so we keep riding and make it with one minute to spare. So we go
through the baptismal interview and it ends up going LATE! So we fly like the
wind home... this time it is downhill and she was keeping up better... so we get
home barely before 10:30! And she says nothing. We wake up this morning and I
ask her what she wants to do and she says can we get my bike fixed? I say sure
what is wrong with it? And then the truth comes out... well, to end the story I
rode her bike to the bike shop and barely made it... and there were no hills...
so yes, Sister McKinley deserves a HUGE PRIZE. And she is pretty much the best!

Well, I love you all! And miss you!

Take care!

Sister Shaver

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