Wednesday, March 19, 2008

March 18th Letter--17, Parasites, and so much more...

Hello family!

I've got some excited news for everyone... I have a PARASITE! Pretty gross, huh?
Well, I have been sick for about a month. Nothing that is keeping me from
working, but just like every time I eat I feel sick and I have some "issues"
right after I eat and what not. So I was losing a little weight and some energy.
So finally I went to go see the doctor and he diagnosed me with an ulcer. I
didn't really like the sounds of that. So I took some ulcer medicine and then
nothing... still just as bad. So we went to a different doctor and he did some
tests. And they came back positive for a parasite. So right now I am on parasite
medicine. It is very annoying, but I am looking forward to being healthy again!
So now I can say I got a parasite on my mission... that's kinda cool.

Well, I set another mission record for me this last Sunday. We had 17
investigators to church! I could not believe it. When the last one came in, I
told my companion I had to go to the bathroom. And I just went into the bathroom
and cried and cried. How thankful I am the Lord's work is moving forward. He is
blessing the people in Taiwan and preparing them to return to His presence. I
have no doubt in my mind that the Lord is mindful of all of His children whether
they are in Taiwan, America, Brazil, or where ever!

There is an investigator here in Xinzhu who has been investigating the church
for a long time. She is amazing. She comes to church every Sunday. If you didn't
know you would think she was a member. We have been working really hard with her
and she kept telling us I know you love this work and the Lord and will wait for
me. Last night, we saw a miracle and she is getting baptized on Sunday! We had
an amazing lesson with her. We read Enos's experience and just discussed it with
her. The Spirit was so strong. She had a member friend who was there as well. We
just kept testifying and challenging her. We invited her to be baptized on the
29th of March and she said she had stuff. So then kind of joking around I said
ok this week then? And she said ok. The words left her mouth... and I was
bawling, my companion was crying, and the member friend was hugging her just
sobbing. It was an amazing experience. The Spirit was so strong and we get to
see an amazing baptism this Sunday. She is going to be one of those new members
who will just build up the ward so much and just run with the Gospel! Ai yo!

I saw lots of fun pictures this week in the e-mails. I am glad to hear everyone
is doing so fine. Morgan's birthday cake experience sounds like one that would
have been worth seeing. Meg and Jessie look like City girls in the pictures...
not quite the Sister Missionary apparel I'm sporting these days. Zao gao, huh?
I, also, like the Boise Chinatown one. Where is that? Is it really a Chinatown?

Not too much else has been going on... just working hard, gettign over being
sick, and that is about it.

Mom, I am supposed to tell you hello from my favorite member here, Huang Ping
Ping. She took us grocery shopping today so we wouldn't have to ride our bikes
home with all our groceries. It is such a little thing, but makes a huge
difference! Small acts of service make all the difference.

Well, I love everyone! I hope everyone has a Happy Easter... I miss you all and
serisously love you!

Wo ai nimen!

Sister Shaver

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