Wednesday, March 26, 2008

March 25th Letter--Say Goodbye to the Parasite!

Hello everybody!

The parasite is gone, but the weight is back. I think I got into the habit of
eating a lot while I had it and now that it is gone I need to start to be
careful. But I feel so much better and have so much more energy! So that is a
huge blessing.

Before I forget this coming week is move-call so the e-mail will come on Monday
so be ready for that!

This last week has been the best and hardest week. We had a baptism for two on
Saturday. One of them ended up not showing up to her baptism. I was so excited
for the one and so upset for the other, but it really opened my eyes to a few
things. (The one who got baptised is Huang and the other is Bai.) It just really
helped me realize the power and the importance of scripture studying verses
scripture skimming and praying sincerely vereses just praying to pray. Well,
Huang Jiemei was amazing and really did everything she could to understand the
Gospel and really received an enduring conversion while Bai jiemei just went
through the motions. The difference is so apparent now and really helped me
realize how important it is for me to really be converted and to be continually
trying to become converted and not just to go through the motions. It really
comes done to desire and what our desire leads us to do! I don't know if that
makes sense at all... yeah?

It was so good to hear from everyone and hear how everyone is doing. I am glad
that everyone is starting to find their place and what not. Congrats to mom on
the new calling. I wish you were in the Relief Society here- help the
missionaries! Seriously, you don't know what a big difference it makes when
members come up to us ask "hello, who is there new here today? or who can I sit
by?" So a plea of a missionary... help the MISSIONARIES! Meg, I am excited for
you... I think you'll love it there! Kate, I got two letters today! Woot Wo!
Liz, Morgan might be the cutest little girl yet! Laura, wow, Amos is cute and
push ups? What's that about? He is already a little exerciser. Dad, to the best
missionary in the family... I don't know if everyone has heard dad's "numbers"
lately. But you might want to ask him! He is saving souls!

Well, I love you all and am working hard! Don't worry about me! I am on the
Lord's errand... what better place to be? (besides on the Lord's errand with my
family. Can you imagine family missions? Our family is pretty intense... I bet
we'd do pretty well.)

Well as they say in Taiwan "xiao xin and jia you" Be careful and add oil to it!

Lots of AI! Wo ai nimen!

Sister Shaver

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