Tuesday, January 1, 2008

January 1st Letter--Happy 2008

Hello family!

It was so good to get so many e-mails and to hear how everyone is doing. I was
so excited to talk to everyone, so thank you for taking the time to wake up
early for me! (Mom, p.s. it is in the white handbook that they should be no more
than an hour... so it shouldn't vary from mission to mission. I would have
talked longer if I could have!)

We had a baptism on Saturday. It was nice. A couple sisters from Relief Society
came this time and we sang a musical number together so that was good. It is
usually just the missionaries at the baptismal services so we were thankful more
people came this time. We have about five investigators right now that any day
could get baptized- they just need to exercise the faith and do it! So we've
been praying a lot for them lately.

I am glad you got the package and that the pictures opened. I didn't think I was
making funny faces in all of them. In fact, I think that might just be my face
now. I am starting to look old. People try to guess how old I am and 40ish is
the most often guessed. I think that might also be because people here who are
30 look like they 16 years old. They all look so so young. I think it has to do
a little with the fact that they are terrified of the sun... speaking of
terrified of the sun. Apparently, some Taiwanese person really liked my long
sleeve shirts and stole them! My Christmas present- gone. I was a little sad,
but now someone has nice protected arms from the sun.

I finally went to the doctor after being sick for about four months. I wasn't
going to go, but it got to the point where investigators were telling me that if
I didn't go they weren't going to meet with us because I needed to rest. He said
he thinks I will just have my cough and low voice for the rest of my mission. So
I guess I just need to get used to it--- qi guai! He said it is cause the
weather changed--- it is now freezing here. One day it is hot hot and the next
cold cold! I am really good at layering collared shirts now- I think it is
official I dress like a sister missionary and have no sense of style anymore.
You all will have to dress me when I come home!

We heard something about not being able to mail envelopes anymore? What is that
about? We have to fold the piece of paper or something? Does anyone know about

Mom mentioned a quote about the adoption that was in the January Ensign. The
lady, Rachel, is Carolyn's neighbor who I would nanny for when she had to run
errands. I was there the day they brought home the youngest of the two. I
thought that was pretty cool0 I know her, te hehe.

Well, I know the Church is true. I know President Hinckley is a Prophet of God.
I know He can lead and guide us and as long as we heed to His counsel we will be
following the will of the Lord.

Wo ai nimen!

Sister Shaver.

p.s. email next week is on Monday because it is move-call... I don't think I am
moving but it will still be Monday nonetheless.

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